Bloomburger Metamycheese

At first I thought maybe Ted is in the initial stages of Alzheimer's and he keeps telling these stories, but by the end, it was pretty clear. Bitch has got to die.

was the meta cheesy?

D’Urbervilles is a silly name. All in all quite a sublime film experience.

the cheese is meta

This is the most unfair review ever. Almost an essay on what should have been instead of what is. This film is a true gem, a fantastic portrayal of the rigours of urban existence and life in general. I would bloody recommend it might. A-

If you count killing mosquitoes with the mere clap of my two hands then, yes

There has to be some compunction, some derelict thought that has planted a resilient seed in the shallow dark depths of the man's oblongata, a seed that has now germed into a wuthering gray plant of inexorable, iniquitous desire, and the scripts, they come in pairs, dozens and trizens of them and he smiles, smiles as

should I insert it here?

I hope he had a warm bath and a cup of mocha joe

Was he a jackass though?

Jamaica, we have a bobsled team

this is like the pot calling the fork silver…………………..PSYCHE…no such idiom exists

NOW!!!!GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!I really really want to see this, i'm not kidding this is almost exactly what is happening to me right now