
Speaking specifically from my own experience, are you totally sure comments like that are out of character? I know and knew several older who had conditions which made them a little bit more carefree with what came out of their mouths, and when they made comments like that, they were excused for being old, for coming

Yeah, this just seems weird. Don't touch me - I only like cuddling with people I love. Now if there was an app that matched you with nearby kittens to cuddle, then I'd be in on it!

I totally understand how it can be scarring for the children. I don't like that these women chose to publish these commentaries under their real names and using the names of their real children. That is unfair and very hurtful and all kinds of wrong. Even though the mother may be able to differentiate between not

Thank you for taking this topic seriously!

Man, I didn't think that the story about the vet who removed a brain tumor from a goldfish named George could be beat, but you did it.

Thanks for being brave enough to say that here, and also for recognizing that you are not the authority here and could be wrong. These are thoughts a lot of men have, and we need to have the conversation. :)

Those fucking calculators. I have one of those T-84s from pre-calc as well. They cost like $80 a pop and most kids never use them again. That said, my school's math teachers each had their own 30+ set of school-issued calculators of the same make/model, to use on exams. That was policy, because students could cheat

YES! I am so proud to be a Colts fan today!

I cant wait for the arguments that men wont do this because it hurts. We stick matchstick sized implants in our arms and copper devices past our cervices — the latter is so painful most women take prescription strength painkillers before and after the session, and often have very heavy, long, and painful periods for a

I want the overly tearful slow clap gif right now because this is SO ON POINT!

is this for real? is this seriously for real? this isn't a joke? i did double check the date of this video to make sure April 1 wasn't on it somewhere.

Not to mention that students who aren't privileged enough to have parents with flexible schedules (which is most students), their only options are ISS or to wear those gross clothes. Most kids with two working parents cant get a new set of clothes in the middle of the day.

Whoa, really? Women who are vastly more familiar with the situation would have never come to that conclusion on our own; thanks for telling us that it's #notallmen!

I want to know about the charges. This is fucking animal abuse, and it was caught on tape. Forget fired — though he should be. This loser needs to be in jail.

Uh, yes.

He went to jail for a short period of time for being personally involved and contributing to the abuse and deaths of many animals. He only stopped because he got caught. That was society's legal punishment. Your employer can reserve the right to fire you over the same crimes. If it were my employee, I wouldn't

Animal abuse is one of the things that hits me at the core and makes me the angriest. There is no defense for these animals. Thank you, Deadspin; this is the only article I've read that talked about expected charges. Would you please report when those charges are filed?

I love festivals like Burning Man (could never afford to go to Burning Man myself though...). I know a lot of people who have attended and are going this year too.

It is the only positive aspect of the story. What an amazing kid she must be. The rest of this - I have tried to find words, but there just aren't any.

*jumping up and down* asdfghjkl;lkljsdfl;

So because Callie wrote an article on it, we're not allowed to still question it? I don't think so.