Wrestling’s fake.
Wrestling’s fake.
This is a lie. Florida is without power. Sure, maybe people can search for pornography using, 4g lte, 3g, or maybe even E. But the majority of people do NOT use their cellular phones to surf for pornography. So without power (and Internet) and a large demographic using their cellular networks to search for…
They’re not journalists. They’re bloggers. It’s like asking why Buzzfeed writers don’t write a 10k word expose on “why siamese cats literally can’t even,” instead of making a listicle.
Well anytime you’re on a list with Peyton, you’re doing something right. Peyton was in the same boat in ‘98 and 15 years later he broke the season record for TD passes. Why are we so quick to jump the gun with Fitzpatrick? Let’s see where he is in the next decade or so. I see greatness.
dang! LMBO!
How’s connor mcgregor racist?
First! Suck it, losers.
As a fan of the Colts--aka the softest team in the league--I wish my team would do this.
Just in case anyone was wondering, “fucc boi” wasn’t used to describe either...
I find it worrisome that the same people who are testing these animals are also testing my ground beef. Too much governmental intervention, if you ask me.
This is a garbage headline. Are you so offended?? In reality, both assertions are true. Inherent in the notion that all lives matter, is the truth that black lives do in fact matter—in addition to Hispanic, White, and every other race/nationality/etc. So they didn’t say black lives don’t matter, which would have been…
That game was really good. In my opinion, it was better than the first six.
Thats a long ass article
Good point. Real men who are disrespected get revenge by sneakily hitting the other man in the dick ‘n’ balls.
I only kia, and I’ll fuck your shit up, bro.
She was fucking pregnant? That’s what’s up! On a side note, let me cop some of them morals, b. You definitely got some extra to spare.
I don’t know; if they had either Kevin or Kyrie, that series would have been much closer. He was halfway to winning a series by himself last year.