Shut the fuck up you Russian magot.
Shut the fuck up you Russian magot.
Exposing the ‘crimes of the government’ is one thing, but Assange and his allies don’t seem to be doing it to mobilize people to mitigate these crimes or for any other higher, moral purpose. He’s simply a gadfly who likes to stir things up because he can, or for a monetary reward or just attention to himself. The…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say you haven’t read anything from people who used to be part of wikileaks, who started it with Assange and walked away. I’d do that before you go off on your, they do no wrong and you only hate them because they hacked your party, tangent. (Stamps foot, cross arms) You sound like a…
You’ve been drinking the kool aid I see. There’s NO evidence that any of what he’s released is actually real but you believe it because it’s the internet. Lmao. The world is laughing at you and your support of a rapist.
Tried to dissolve a body in it?
If God is so great why was she in a car crash in the first place, doofus Wilson? This thinking makes zero sense and religious people don’t even notice.
YES! They, by far, have the best relationship on the show. Their bromance should be showcased more often.
So I don’t watch this show but did make a donation to Lisa Vanderpump’s dog charity, which I must say is run quite efficiently. I initially donated because of their opposition work against the Yulin Dog Meat festival but they have several other missions and outreach that seem legit (I really thought they’d offer dog…
OK, who else is officially sick of Lisa Rinna’s nonsense?
Ugh. John McCain seriously needs to shut his trick mouth up. He is ALL TALK, and will never be a man of action in regards to Trump.
Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”
Thank you! If anything her publisher took the opportunity to announce it based on the ruling, but to insinuate that she planned it is ludicrous and insulting.
Oh I agree and I don’t want to get into any purity test because we know how well that worked for us.
You do realize how the publishing industry works right? She probably finished the book last year before Trump was elected.
I think we need a few hundred more Elizabeth Warren’s in Congress. Books like this help recruit people who think like her to be like her, and to run up and down ticket. “it will trace the development of the middle class from the New Deal to the Trump administration. Warren will outline her ideas for how the…
Again. Get fucked.
Let’s not be naive.
STFU. Seriously.
Don’t you think the middle class and defeating Donald are important and timely topics? Are you against all politicians releasing books? Just the popular ones? I’ve got two of Obama’s on my bookshelf. Warren fights Donald and the GOP every day, so I suppose no day would be a good day for her to release it according to…