Actually what happen at Cekebitchy is that the. Moderation is very petty and biased. for instance comments that do not deify Jolie even if they aren’t inflammatory are never posted or posters even banned
Actually what happen at Cekebitchy is that the. Moderation is very petty and biased. for instance comments that do not deify Jolie even if they aren’t inflammatory are never posted or posters even banned
Uuhm Thats your takeaway ??
PRobation for such a horrific crime ?? This is some bullshit did they at least give up the name of thier accomplices because they were more than two people involved. Again black girls don’t matter
Mebbe I am an olds but one thing with most West Indians and black people from the South we tend to have a negrodar that is right on point .Knew she was mixed with something like immediately
Thank you, I am unambiguously black couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. I also wasn’t born here and whilst I understand the historical and social context of the one drop rule,black people who still clingto this rule in 2017 just irk me .
“ He would suffer from staying single or in sub-par relationship”
OH Dear God not the mebbe the only woman to give a black man chance is a white woman nonsense
So because she says all feminism, you get super upset and make it about race? She wan’t trying to make it about white people being included.
DIdnt She though and wants people who call her out on her BS to “get gone “ by dismissing thier comments
@ Seige
LOL Lady, you head is so far stuck up your self righteous arse that I am sure you will never see how patronizing and tone deaf your comments are
Your comment is such peak white feminism
Therein lies a part of the problem there is such a general stereotyping of black men being poor fathers that the bar for them has been set very low . A black man showing any remote interest in his child is automatically seen as father of the year. We have been seeing this play out a lot recently especially with…
No you are not the only person.For people familiar with this cycle, Cryrese in fact shows all the classic signs of being an abuser.
I think that Madril is actually a black person who is an immigrant or descendant of immigrants. They specificall critiqued AA being victims using race card but went on to talk about “our” as in black communities and America being land if opportunities
I do not like Nicky at all but it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how despicable a mans actions there are people will find a way to make some related or adjacent woman more accountable. That right there is some bullshit
Exactly, and whilst sexual assault can take place anywhere in an office, cubicle , elevator etc an inordinate amount of theses cases are occurring in predators hotel rooms and homes. It has always bugged me the sense of entitlement the Hollywood big wigs have in summoning actresses to thier hotel rooms for…
Fortunately Enough people have spoken up for the accusations against Weinstein to be credible. Woman have the right to speak up , they also have the right to do so in thier own time or not to speak at all. People really need to stop turning this into some judgey, witch hunt about who hasn’t submitted thier think…
Bookmarking this !!!
“ Rugged as a sister” .????