
Therein lies the problem too many people are out there self diagnosing and assuming that they can only spread the virus when they are having an outbreak. Even if one has no obvious signsof an out break, say one is imminent below the surface or one just finished the virus can be be still be spread.

DId you read the article ? This is not about checking boxes, the man states that he has no black people in his family. So he is not even claiming to be biracial

Mindys almost obsession with white men is pretty much well known

Mindys almost obsession with white men is pretty much well known

You deserve more stars,

“He’s too old to be doing these shenanigans. And in public. “

Too soon

Is this Satire? And the fact that you have never heard black people say they hate black people proves you don’t know any black people , internal racism is very much a thing with some POC thanks mainly to white supremacy

And whose fault us that that white peoples dony care enough when thier own people are being killed to protest or is because they know that justice will be served?

Not really his black ass is going to jail just like those two black cops that shot into a fleeing car and killed a white yo Jeremy Mardis

Not really his black ass is going to jail just like those two black cops that shot into a fleeing car and killed a white yo Jeremy Mardis

Where are all the usual comply or else asshats MIA, and yes police do kill more whites than blacks but usually white folks have to be doing the most to get shot, they typically aren’t out here getting killed for minor infractions , the Australian lady that got shot is really sad and a mystery to me , I hope there is

This is just so terrible words

Thank you and boy are those Mowry siblings , brother included whiny, one  would think having grown up in the spotlight, they would have thicker skin but instead they seem to walk around with a bag of the worlds smallest violins

Relationships make sense sometimes people are in denial about the sense it makes to them at the time . people break up because the relationship no longer makes sense or they come out of thier denial

Relationships make sense sometimes people are in denial about the sense it makes to them at the time . people break up because the relationship no longer makes sense or they come out of thier denial

There is some merit to your post overall but I don’t think it really is a response to This article , I don’t get that this is what the author was trying to do so right sermon , wrong pew perhaps ? other than that there are some solid points in your comment

I challenge you to get some nuance , reading comprehension skills , learn social and historical context, googling skills and to get out of your feelings and put down your cape cu you clearly love white pussy

We good

Instead of responding to your multiple bill shit comments , I will just leave this here