
In all fairness I read off @offtotheraces comment as saying WW deal with sexism which is bad cant imagine how much harder it is for and BW have to deal with sexism AND racism. I know there is often some patronizing WW comments here but this IMO is someone just trying to commiserate As a BW I often hear us complain

Professor Gates arrested on his own porch because a white woman though he was suspicions , A young man killed in Ohio Walmart (open carry state) with a BB gun whilst in the TOY section where they were sold because a White man called 911 re a dangerous black man, A father in Minn sitting on a bench (normally

Your in the greys ?? what fresh hell is this

I did not even have to click on the video to know that the student wasn't a white girl

But You Were Wrong it was about the states RIGHTs to own slaves ...LOL

How deliberately obtuse one has to be not know the difference between being anticop and anti murder. We support the cops unconditionally ??? whether lying ,raping,using excessive force and killing ...Oh well

The only people who don't want to acknowledge this are sadly white women and way too many black men

Since "teaching the basic reading,writing and arithmetic skills required to get a job is their obly function why wear the Tshirts in the first place?? Cuz You approve the message ?

Hmm Wonder how many of them are feminists ??? Hah

So not the same thing Jackie had already proven himself in the Negro league .Do you know what an awesome player he had to be just to be considered for the major League?

Yes and the eldest already sounds like he doesn't know his place ...uppity thug (SARCASM )

Love Love this Lady give me her anyday over totally clueless Zoe Saldana .I like how she just mentioned Michael Brown in a bittersweet way without giving the " we dont know all the facts brigade" any ammunition.

I understand why it came about but I just feel it minimiseness the vileness of the act,

I would also like to banish the word " date rape" from our vernacular it makes the crime seem way too innocuous .Its really rape by known /familiar assailant (s) which adds a whole other level of betrayal to the violation itself

The fact that they didn't even care enough to put together a credible story shows the contempt for black life and their confidence in a system/nation where such a ridiculous story will be believed ........Cuz you know black people

I'm amazed that America as a country that brags about its democracy and " exceptionalism" continues to defend its devolvement into a police state , for centuries the brunt of the police wrath has been black bodies but poor whites are also now being killed(albeit at a much lesser rate ) under questionable

Things a Rapist cop would say???

Of course not We have a black president !

Aka mutual bearding contract terminated

Its been a really shitty past few days . Thanks for the laff Im going to hell but thanks none the less LOL