Thats the thing, whilst some women are too disgusted to vote for Trump , they may either sit it out ,vote independent / put in their Moms name or something. That is why Comeys stunt did matter and can make a difference
Another wrinkle that not a lot of people are looking at is some who dont vote for Trump or hold…
White Women are going to be key deciding factor in this election especially those Republican ones who may silently vote against their husband.. Way too many white Men for the most part have decided if you think we let you all put a niqqa in charge for 8 years and NOW you want us to answer to a woman ? Naw Bro
My point still stands in this mediocre sh1tstorm of an election where one candidate has uttered some of the vilest things in recent memory , refuses to share his tax return (the first time in decades in a presidential election) filed bankruptcy god knows how many times and has a reputation for trying to shaft the…
LULZ , Actually have fair amount of respect for the Man and his Presidency, whoever wins the White House will be a less classy joint for sure & he will always get extra bonus points for Michelle !
l just hate it when people behave as if he is above criticism, and also not a fan of his "Lecturer in Chief "schtick …
Well , I know this is VSB where any critiques of Obama inevitably leads to an unwanted and often unneeded civics lecture on the different branches of government LOL
I dont know/care what he went through at Harvard , I can only evaluate him based on his performance in the Oval Office and Yes I understand, that its a…
Comeys appointment is just another reminder of how President Obama wasted much of his tenure trying to extend a hand across the aisle in friendship and all he got back was a nub.
He never got the Memo that these people made up their mind to see him fail and were not gonna be led by a niqqa so 8 years of…
I have to admit that I am no fan of of HRC but over the election she has kind of grown on me , She is one tough cookie and IMO if a white male had her experience, knowledge intellect , credentials ,accomplishment , temperament and yes even all her flaws there would be no contest that man would be way ahead .
She is…
Al Gore never started whining weeks in advance when he thought he may lose that the system was rigged and undermined the american peoples confidence in the electoral system.
It was only AFTER the election , based on the the closest of margins in recent history (hinged in a state where where his opponents brother was…
I am late but just wanted to say this , whilst I stated that I was not going to see the film, I never advocated a boycott ( I think a lot of people didn't because of the other blk actors involved)
That reminds me didnt BW go through a similar shaming exercise with Red Tails in 2012 ??? back then it was also the most IMPORTANT black film EVER and if we didn't support it Black Movies would NEVER be made again LOL
Plan-Tin is West indian which you will hear in Florida
LOL Right
And Harriet Tubman was Half Swedish
Cackling you know when the freewifi sets in or they dont work or are not allowed internet access at work
There have always been people who can separate the art from the artist and I suppose that is their right .My Pet Peeve is the people who in order to validate their decisions try to defend the indefensible or worse try to guilt those who feel otherwise with some conspiracy theories or black loyalty cards BS
BTW :It has…
Exactly a 2520 in PR on a MSM site stated that in the biz when one is in the type of controversial position Nate is in it is known NEVER do 60 min .they have a rep for control/ editing /expose style. She surmised either his PR hates him or he isnt listening and I agree