

It is not just coming up 17 yrs later,Its been known for a while , I read the court docs on line YEARS ago plus there were numerous articles online. Penn State (of Sandusky infamy ) has a bad rep for athletics and rape culture and .Nate was a star wrestler.In fact if anything it seems his people have been scrubbing

she was white, he was astar athlete at Penn Univesity

This is not new info , it is maybe new to YOU . People (me included) have known about this for years since the movie Red Tails it comes up EVERYTIME he has a project out but more muted cuz he wasnt a big deal.(Its been on his Wikipedia page for decades )
It is just now that his profile is so heightened with

You have made multiple posts indicating that you do not think that she was " respectable enough " and whist I dont condone her actions the standard of measure for me is simply this, if She were white would she be alive today.? See Bundy etal & multiple Youtube videos that suggest otherwise

Makes Sense


In Reality No we dont therein lies the problem

The bro code is killing us the same BM who get defensive with the #notallblackmen or accuse you of gender war (see above ) rarely ever check their bro when they are out of pocket . Has to start with the MEN who claim to be conscious or very smart brothas us talking not getting anywhere
Its funny they dont see the

You sound Just like white people who when black people are simply asking for a seat at the table accuse them of race wars. THE.EXACT.SAME. WAY

When you watched that tape did you see someone who looked like they were playing with a full deck of cards …Seriously ?

Gaines Seems to have some mental issues inc paranoia (this would be easily exacerbated just by being black in America and having to deal with the cops ) She apparently was suing the govt, for lead poisoning suffered as a child which was said to affect her decision making skills ad impulse control (interestingly

The "Four little girls" have names they are , Addie Mae Collins ,, Carol Denise McNair , Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley , Even on their wiki page the name of their killers are listed first and their names are buried in the 3rd/4th paragraph
Also everyone who knows the name Rodney King should also know the name

Sherman is one of the worst , his MO is so obvious, willfully throw Black people & BLM under the bus to rehabilitate his image with the very same folk who in a blink called him thug , animal and N*** . He is out there writing think pieces /interviews saying BLM is trying to get police killed ? (dangerous lie )that

You attributed this to Van "Michelle is beautiful even if society doesn't consider her a classic beauty"(generous is polite as this is patently false cuz he said nothing of the sort on CNN). In fact he is on camera starting out with " She isn't (note present tense ) particularly ____ attractive?, pretty? (Dunno cuz

My thing is why did he even have to bring up her looks in the first place???

That isn't what he said , His exact words "grown up in Chicago, dark-skinned, not the classically beautiful woman according to the standards of that time, to be able to come out here" but seems like your generous interpretation of his comments (which actually doesnt surprise me )
Why did he need to comment on her

Shouda really given us a heads up the we would need thigh high water boots and shovel for that level of manure
Seriously thats what you are going with ????

As for "justice " People should really read the GQ article Tamar Rice How to make a police shooting disappear.
It is infuriating , sickening and heartbreaking all at the same time

i swear your only purpose in life is to get me fired LOL