
This is actually one of my pet peeves with the biracial convo. Biracial people are just as much white as they are black but the only options on the table are Black or biracial NEVER White , Why is that ? No one ever chastises the white community for not allowing them to be white?
Nope we just accept the staus quo and

You are correct, technically biracials are just as much white as they are black.I think the problem is in our culture blackness is seen as something to "escape from " so when someone presents as clearly black/biracial but chooses to identify only as white it may be seen as a person who is not comfortable with their

You may be correct .I however was addressing @Todd assertion that "most Jewish people don't know Drake is a fully bar mitzvahed Jew" .This would be inaccurate as in Jewish culture that is a reasonable expectation unless his Jewish mother wasn't a practicing Jew or had some other express problems with it .

For the record I consider Tayes son biracial its not rocket science you have one black parent and one white then you are biracial , I suppose how you chose to identify socially /culturally and how society will view is where the complexities come in, that being said its not what you say its how you say it and the

Not " we' He specifically called out haterade drinking owe him something black women

Chile Been a while but i think stuff like white kids telling him his skin looked like dirt? and him bringing cupcakes to school so the white kids would like him
Just off

Personally I can respect the biracial classification , I think the problem here is the source, We have heard enough crap out of Tayes mouth over the years to know that this is about him distancing himself and his kid from blackness more than anything else

I would caution any parent to refrain from reading their child "Chocolate Me" It is a window into his psychosis and self loathing best not shared with an impressionable child
Now I know black kids can be unbelievably cruel policing blackness, taunting you for being too dark , too light , too nerdy etc but what I

Under Jewish tradition having a Jewish mother automatically makes the Child a Jew.this is why many Jewish Mothers get bent out of shape when thier Sons marry out as the children of those unions are not automatically Jews and have to convert if they want to be considered jewish

Basically it was like this

There were actual very audible gasps in many a movie theater when Mr Tibbs returned the slap none so much when he was slapped first though …Go figure

The sense of entitlement that a white man thinks its OK to try and publicly reprimand an adult the he doesn't know , who isn't being disruptive or loud just simply reading a book ? Uuugh

" It's a product of group narcissism or identity politics, they are both the same thing. Basically, you interpret events in the media and create narratives based on the politics of the identity you align yourself with"

From Day one BMJ stated that this was one woman's story and sometimes a story is just a story and cant be be all things to all people .Black people are not a monolith, there are parts of the story that I relate to parts that I don't, Times where I'm empathetic towards the character and times I feel she deserves

This is the problem, I have with how people view black media There are two extremes there are the black loyalty card folks who insist you must support anything simply because black ( which I don't condone) and the other hand those who are unnecessarily harsh and must pick apart and condemn black shows because black

Thank you


There no doubt Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon but I know a couple of people like him they are only book bright and focused in their area of discipline that they have little commonsense or knowledge outside of anything else

You know how black folks love a good conspiracy well here is mine
A lot of powerful rich people (some of them republicans ) want Hilary to be president because she will be good to them . The only problem is she is polarizing, people either lover or hate her very much
The democrats from day one were pushing her as
