
To be expected Snowcrash, to be expected. It’s hard to break an echo chamber with a handy dismiss button. But I’ll explain anyway(listen, don’t listen, dismiss, it’s whatever).

A Venn diagram with a lot of overlap you say? Possible three concentric circles? Can you possibly say explain said positions(you know: what is gamergate, what is the alt right)?

Whines about echo chamber but also lives in echo chamber... And you guys are supposed to be the intellectuals here?

Anyone else find this article very strange?

Interesting hypothesis. I’m to assume that you also have said self reflection?

I remember choosing neither side. Mostly because they are both based off of garbage.

Are we talking about Gamergate, Alt-right, or Trump supporters?

This is going to be a fun day...

Does everyone here just conflate alt-right and gamergate?

Sigh, this always happens...

I do. World of media is shady. Liberal media, conservative media, it doesn’t matter. If there is a better angle to sell, truth can go out the window.

“Whatever the origin of the misuse it’s conservative trolls who are currently most misusing it.”

One step closer to thought crimes.

“Trump’s voters, much like the man himself, care only about one thing: Is he going to openly defy, hurt and damage black and brown people?”

The term got popular by #Gamergate not conservative trolls.

Then you have the left wing media demonizing gamers left and right because...

Until someone can explain #gamergate to me I don’t want to hear it.

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