@Matt Brown: AWESOME!!!
@Matt Brown: AWESOME!!!
It's still a battle to use Office 2007 on a daily basis, so I have no interest at all in the 2010 offering...
I have successfully worked through a few collaborations using Office Live from Microsoft.
@camn: Sarcasm much?
All of this in your trunk would weigh how much and take up how many cubic feet of space? Some good ideas but a LOT of overkill and redundancy.
I use a cast iron skillet, natural fat, good bread, 2 cheeses, and a protein for all grilled cheese sandwiches. The possibilities are endless...
@range: When I was in college I was given the nap rule "Less than 2 or more than 4" from a biology professor. The thought was taking a nap less than 2 hours long kept you from having an abbreviated sleep cycle, which would cause you to be tired and disoriented when you woke, negating the effectiveness of the nap. If…
@Rosa Golijan: Nope, it's fake. As in tofu.
I used a service with a similar model to that of Booksfree a few years back. It was OK. Wait for the disk(s) to arrive, rip into MP3 format, upload to device, repeat. The cracks start to appear when you a)get a bad disk in the mail half way through the book you're listening to (often books are on more than 1 disk) or…
80% for the dough
Vote: Damn Small Linux
VOTE: Whiteboard
Negotiating with your landlord/Property Manager is a proposition that does have some risk. The example above has merit due to the direct comparison of available options and their payment history. However, the above letter could also be met with a rent increase (VayaConQueso has it right in many markets), a reduction…
@puntai: WOW, kickin' it old school, eh? I had to leave 98 behind to get my mp3 player and other PnP devices to work.
@iNomad: I so completely agree with you on that, although I doubt it could get worse than Vista. Let those whom cannot wait do Microsoft's debugging while my system continues to work, then upgrade when Win8 is ready for release. I make it a personal philosophy to stay AT LEAST 1 Windows generation behind.
maps.live.com *shame*
I worked in a lab in college performing nutrient analysis for foodstuffs. The microwave was the preferred method used to "drive off" moisture in a sample prior to performing a nutrient assay (excess moisture would skew lab results).
@Kandralla: You tell 'em Kandralla!!!
I manage multiple rental units, which means I have a PILE of keys to keep track of. I have been using this key photo method for years now as a method to identify that random key that loses its tag or falls off of the labeled "Wall of Keys" in my office. I haven't had to use these photos to have a duplicate made, but…
Has the economic situation really brought people to this???