

What about the Democrats that voted for Bush in Florida? Maybe blame them?

Adults make logical, rational choices. Petulant children and ignorant fools make choices based upon “the lesser of two evils.”

More Democrats in Florida voted for George Bush than Nader. The Nader effect is bullshit

Nader took more votes from Bush than Gore. But that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Even if Hillary had all of stein’s vote she would have lost handidly.

I’m more concerned about Mike Pence running your country.

Something that large and you can’t fit 3 car seats in it?

it came with a 6 speed and 260 hp here in the US? nice

What’s impressive is the 25.7 figure-eight lap time. Now, unless Motor Trend made changes to its figure-eight track since then, that time is quicker than brand new sedans such as the 330i and C300, much less the 3-Series and C-Class that were available at the time.

I dunno, I kind of like the new Outlander. It looks like decent value for all that you get.

I had never heard of this before now...please come rescue me, I am about 20 pages into a google image search and there’s no turning back

I would have been the guy off-camera who chimed in with, “Uh... language!”

Not even a brown diesel bicycle either

One is actual food for offspring, the other is waste material?

Best. Pickup line. Ever.

It’s odd you point out the GI bill as a source of the problem; not a solution to an existing one.