
red flag should be “generic first dates at restaurant”...i offer to cook, plus they come over to your place...or, you do fun day thingy rather than the restaurant thingy...the irony is most couples after years of dating tend to only go out with other other couples, family, or special occasions to a restaurant—it

dozens and bags of credit cards? “drama king”...way to again use binary extremes to demonstrate your weak points and lack of nuance...

“Irresponsible with money” could be interpreted in the extreme by a cheap person, so there could be some intersection of flaws of irresponsible with money combined with the other person pathetic cheapness and lack of spontaneity and fun etc...

“trying to use “Canada” as a tool to try and give nazis a sheen of maple-coated respectability.”

so why did you even say anything?

wait...youre actually getting your comp-any to pay for you to play a retarded game then write this crap? i hate you so badly....u deserve to die

im literally sickened and angry about this....the idiocy and materialism and emptiness of some ppl is mind is this person even in regular society as an adult with a job? MESSAGE TO WRITER: YOURE LITERALLY MENTALLY INSANE AND ONE OF THE MOST PATHETIC PPL IVE EVER HEARD OF—MORE PATHETIC THAN KIM

Well i tried commenting but since it was critical of jezebels hero hilary, jezebal doesnt post it...if u dont want the feminazi type labels than u may wanna cease being uptight hyprocritical biased feminazis

Ummmm obama won because he took on the establishment and beat someone like hilary...his progressive agenda wouldnt have gotten traction if not for individual donors and record proving hes against the grain compared to hilary establishment endorsements and donors and her record of going with the grain (i.e. iraq war,

Hes right though....they are part of the establishment and other groups have better records on same issues...both groups are corporated lobbyists in bed with establishment dems...and, quite honestly, clinton was endorsed cuz of one reason only: feminists....having universal health care, and better education and wages