
That’s the most absurd *looks shiftilly around* theory I’ve ever heard of! *squirts ink, flees*

She’ll start a compound called “JoansTown” and we’ll all drink the Dom.

OK, you’re clearly enthusiastic and I was going to let this go, but I see you’re ejaculating all over the comments with this spunk so I can’t.

My nieces are still obsessive about this movie... frankly, I thought it was overrated. I love the message with the sister theme, but really, the story was ... lacking

I’m surprised the visionaries who produced this video didn’t take advantage of how “nipply” cold temperatures are with inadequate clothing.

I only saw one male student get that disrespectful with one of my lady professors. The whole class was like, “dude, come on, no...” and the tension was so thick, but then he persisted and just pushed her over the top in the middle of her lecture. She pointed at the door and said GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLASSROOM AND DO

fub fact: The proverb “blood is thicker than water” is actually incomplete. The full proverb is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” and means the total opposite. Bonds by choice are stronger than those that just happen by birth and one had no say in.

Ah ha! I never noticed this before! I’m overwhelmed with all the new possibilities!!

Then read Jean Rhys - Wide Sargasso Sea: a sort of 'prequel.' It is AMAZING.

The logistics are different in New York. Most places that get a lot of snow can run a plow down the roadway to keep it clear. That is pretty quick, and can keep up with even heavy snowfall. In New York, there is nowhere for the snow to go on the roadside. They can’t just remove the snow from the roads, they have to

Yes but that’s only because you have mobile saunas to melt all the snow

There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.

This. Someone always craps out and just takes it and then the whole idea of “mutuality” is dead.

I hate it. There seems to be soooo much more slobber involved than in regular oral and I’m too distracted by sucking cock to enjoy what the guy is doing. Also, asphyxiation by scrotum is not what I want my mother to read on my death certificate. Do not want.


Why not?

Now playing

There are not a lot of chances to post this song. So, here ya go.

Now playing

Was she laughing uproariously the whole time?