
Any list that doesn't include the POPSTAR: NEVER STOP NEVER STOPPING soundtrack is a wrong list.

The fact that they call the Assassin's group the "Assassin's Creed" is a big indicator of how this movie was going to turn out. Ignoring any "that's not what it's called in the game" stuff, calling a group "Assassin's Creed" makes no grammatical sense.

Star Wars is inherently political. The Empire is based on the Nazis (notice how the Empire is all humans while the Rebellion is made up of all different kinds of species?). Do people seriously not know this?

Are these idiots just now realizing that the Empire are modeled after Nazis?

An article about John C Reilly singing and not ONE mention of WALK HARD? Dewey Cox is spinning in his grave!

Huh, I thought Powerless had already aired and was quickly cancelled.

Look, I'm glad Yoyo is getting a little more attention with her own web series, but please make her a regular for the rest of the season. They made Lincoln a regular and he was barely a character. Just have more Yoyo!

When Coulson was being pulled into "hell" towards the end the effects of the darkness he was caught in kind of looked like the effects of the mirror dimension from STRANGE, so…..kind of a connection? And what Aida was doing to open the portal kind of looked like the magic from STRANGE as well.

I heard a rumor that people were actually excited for Avatar sequels. I don't have any sources, though.

If there's one place the "Party of Lincoln" needs to be a safe space, the theater is definitely it.

When Megyn Kelly and Glenn Beck are voices of reason you know we're fucked.

"the first to feature a Polynesian Princess (we upstyled the “p” to denote Moana’s status as a Disney Princess™)."

Got any room?

It was perfectly clear that's what it was about in the movie. It didn't need to be explained. People just watch to bitch about things without taking 5 seconds to actually think about them.

I want pot to be legal so people can stop doing pot comedy and think that they're being clever and edgy.

Gordon can't lie to save his life. How about to Vale you just say "Lee is a doctor, so I knew that if you were shot she'd be able to keep you alive until paramedics got there."

It turns out NBC had the cruelest intentions of them all.

Know what this is missing?

I'd take any series Netflix wanted to make.

Not just any self defense class, but one taught by Colleen Wing. This better lead to a Claire/Misty/Colleen team-up series.