
Hey! You also get fucked!

Call me cynical, but I can’t help but wonder if behind these shitty kids there are some shitty parents hoping for a dumptruck of cash by being the next Honey Boo Boo-esque reality TV family.

That’s cool I cut my hand on my plastic starbucks lid and bled all over my khakis.

Offer a better user experience.



As I said to another commenter, the way to measure the speed of a mass-transit system isn’t the velocity of a single vehicle moving through the system. It’s how many passengers it moves per unit of time. The purpose of a mass-transit system isn’t to move one person or one vehicle at a very high velocity, but to move ma

Always nice to be lectured by dudes who literally don’t know what a “fact” is.

says the guy posting on a gaming website.

Whos screaming? You’re making everyone whos not happy with this sound like a 12yo who doesnt get to play Fortnite past 10pm

phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

I’d offer the point that you’re ignoring the context of this game’s reveal. That it was marketed directly to a crowd of people it’s not being produced to be marketed towards. A crowd of people, both in person and at home who paid for access to take part in the event that marketing was within. And that this was all

It *was* marketed to them. They announced this shitty reskin of a Chinese mobile game to an exclusively western, PC-focused, English-speaking audience, who I will remind you paid to be there. It was marketed to Blizzard’s core fanbase, and no one in that fanbase wants Diablo Immortal.

Their memes are better though.

I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.

And yet literally none of that makes the objectively untrue statement you made about “why this is even happening” true.

I know this is probably way the hell more nuance than you’d ever be capable of handling but, Trump has nominated lots of people to head various offices (in case you weren’t aware that’s how those

I know it’s fun to blame everything on Trump, but this is one of the few things that has dick to do with him. The original law passed in 2006 already carved out the presidential exemption, and no he doesn’t have “a button” even metaphorically. The way the presidential alert actually works is that the president passes

To be fair, they do get better after The Last Wish, but none of the books ever rises to the level of “great.”

They’re fun, entertaining reads--but that’s all they were likely ever meant to be.

Hell, he still ended up making a lot of money from the deal since the game’s popularity had a direct impact on international book sales.

Fritters. He frittered it away on fritters. Apple ones, I’d guess.