
If you don’t like the current policies, how would you change them?

The primary reason Bluehole has to lose this case is because Fortnite is a derivative work with the derivation lying solely on the vague concept of what constitutes “battle royale” gameplay.

Ultimately, this just makes Blue Hole look pathetic.

“Oh I’ve got no problem with the challenge, but they put together a squad just to be DICKS to his attempt.”

Be good enough and start streaming. Streaming is the new way of life for gamers. You don’t even need that big of an audience. I’ve got several online friends who stream and make a living off it. But again, they’re good at what they do and they’re entertaining.

First, they are also speedruners. Runners gotta run and if they can beat his time they have every reason to do so.

Indeed, some are just trying to mimic the look instead of actually conveying the emotion as well.

Meh, most of the expressions are completely off. You’d have to really exaggerate to capture them and it looks like she’s barely trying...

Except it’s not out for everyone lol

Click bait title fooled me... Not out for everyone... Out for IOS....

This really is a sad comment, I will agree...

This seems like the right answer. Just have the network admin block the Fortnite/PUBG server domains. If they want to play, they’ll have to do it by blowing out mommy/daddy’s data plans.

When I was a kid it was Wacky Wall Crawlers...

But most straight men are?

7 years to accomplish this trick?

Not old enough to be able to focus on two things?

oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.

I don’t know, take Death Note. I actually loved how they changed Misa and gave her some agency. She wasn’t just a tool for Light, she had her own agenda, and it made the Western adaption interesting to watch.

Doubtful, since the time leading up to Fall 2018 is focused on the PC port.

So you’re judging people for their clothing while confirming your willingness to stereotype people. On an article about people cleaning up their community.