
Because the stakes are really low. You can mess around with this version in ways you couldn't with a Western release. Imagine if they released this in the West. The Xb1 owners would be pissed that they can't play it. The PC people would bitch that you can't DL from steam but from the MS store or something like that.

Man, the first Halo game to come to PC in a long time and it's free-to-play? I don't see this ending well.

Typical UNMC propaganda. We all know John is a saint.

Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad

OK, yes, his name is whatever you want it to be. But it would be damn stupid if every article about every Zelda game referred to him as "the protagonist" or some other roundabout name.

Except, y'know, in all official guides, instruction manuals, word of Nintendo, and the games where he's named Link and you can't change it *cough* Four Swords *cough*. :P
I didn't like that article. Might as well tell me Yu Narukami's name isn't Yu Narukami.

Why is it now popular to hate Minecraft? It can be a seriously fun game. If you just stick to creative mode without mods it can be a very relaxing experience where you can create digital buildings and worlds. Yes I'd like kids to play with real Legos, but Minecraft has it's place. You can build things that would be

I'm 24 and have no shame in admitting that I still have fun downing a 12-pack and playing Minecraft for six hours on a Saturday.

Now playing

Meh. . .I prefer mine forged out of real scissors.

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

I'd rather someone replace your flooring with Legos.

So one thing that Minecraft has over Lego is that it teaches kids digital logic and engineering in a way that Lego just can't do. Lego can teach a kid how to build a wall. Minecraft can teach a kid how to build a CPU. That's what the redstone book is about. It's almost tricking kids into learning math and engineering


"I didn't steal 'em!" Hajime joked, showing off his receipt. He then got very excited, saying, "I'm going to change history!"

lol the glasses

A Riot representative told me today that the current bug is only having an impact on Rek'Sai, and that it should be fixed by patch 5.5. Other League players have been reporting similar issues popping up around GA in smaller threads on the game's official forums and the popular subreddit, saying that they think it

This is actually kind of useful. I'm super casual about Pokemon and barely play others as it is so this may be a nice way to pick up and play with a few pokemon I wouldn't be able to get otherwise.

For a game with a target demo of 10-year olds, people sure are holier-than-thou regarding hacking Pokemon.

It's not disgusting because it's fan fiction and erotica. It's disgusting because people still use Sonic characters as if they were still relevant.