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They addressed this issue in the Q&A of the kickstarter. Mojang has a really generous liscence for user created Minecraft material. It's all good.

It's mainly because most players weren't skilled enough to make something that looked as good as the default models. In the majority of the cases, even when you got the face look good, you will get wonky facial animations. It might not have been too obvious, but when you compared the default animation with your

You said it: loud, a loud minority.

I ran into the exact same problem. I couldn't point to plugin to access the appData folder.

To improve the image of these competitions, they should have referees giving out penalties cards for excessive foul behavior.

To your devil's advocate point: gun control laws in isolated cities won't help if all it needs to acquire a gun is to drive over a new city or state.

There's no regret at all. I am not talking about money either. Do you think Valve would refuse to hire him if he decides to go work at Valve now? If his demands (position/salary) are reasonable, Valve would hire to guy immediately.

The video does an ok job at explaining, but it's a bit too pro bitcoin and looks like propaganda. I have never used bitcoin, and only read on it. So here's my explanation.

You know... I actually wrote a bigger response to this then was necessary. But here's what I am going to say:

Well, that's a way to build face recognition. Original or not.

Yeah this series was not that funny to begin with. Just pointing out really obvious jokes that is probably not logical either when you think about it (talking about comic book logic).

She's not in a combat competition. This is a kata comp. Way to go sounding like an internet tough guy (the fake humility at the end doesn't help).

Not a fan... makes short legs seem even shorter...

There's nothing small about the BitFenix case. It's hardly smaller than a mid-ATX case.

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter "broke" me. Now I can only play with inverted controls.

And where's the problem? Think of it in this perspective: you're making stuff for free or for very little money, and then Valve swoops in and pays you a lot more money than you were making and you get a job at Valve.

The ones on the right saying NO are breasts with implants.

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Don't know why the article didn't link the video, they commissioned the gun.

She said: "Anyone wants his phone number and email?" or something like that, hinting that she wants other people to harass him by calling and spamming him. Where is it acceptable for a store employee to do that? Even as a joke, especially when the customer was still in the store on his way out.