Old person, here. I would have greatly appreciated a content warning on Titus Anronicus because that shit was stomach turning.
Old person, here. I would have greatly appreciated a content warning on Titus Anronicus because that shit was stomach turning.
Why don’t they just circulate the real story of Dennis Hastert raping boys right here at home?
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
Attachment parenting has been linked to a marked increase in cats showing their buttholes to their humans. I mean, you do you, but I made my cats cry it out in the hallway at night and I’m basically happier for it, if you excuse the hairy pukes they lay out for me to step in during the night....
RIP the comments section. My son is almost one so I’m just now wading into the mommy wars, but the biggest one by far has been how to handle sleep issues.
If I ever have a kid, forget sleep training, they’ll be crate-trained by 12 weeks.
Presumably this would work equally well (N.B. I’m skeptical about whether this actually works at all) for dick sucking. I’m assuming they went with the cunnilingus angle because “dick snorkel” sounds like something 7th graders call each other.
But isn’t he? Children are finding their parents’ guns and killing themselves or others every single day. This behavior is becoming typical.
But putting the child’s happiness first...how do you compare the happiness of a life raised by elderly parents and the happiness of no life at all?
I just want to point out that you started off by saying the women who say SSM is a cult are“fucking crazy” and then proceeded to write a 10 thousand word single paragraph incoherent ramble.
yeah it is. it’s only used that way because it’s free so the courts dont have to put in any actual resources to helping people.
But also too, if these bathroom bills are enforced, it means transmen MUST use the ladies room, so how does it make sense to kick out anyone who looks too masculine?
If they really want to protect people, they should ban speakers of the house from bathrooms. It’s a proven fact that at least 1.6% of them are serial pedophile sexual predators. If you only count the ones that are alive, it’s 16% minimum.
Another option is to just start calling the police all the fucking time with “sightings” of slightly mannish women or slightly effete men using public rest areas. Have that shit on speed dial- if enough people keep calling and dragging them hither and yon to respond, they may eventually cry uncle purely from a…
Proofreading is the devil’s handiwork.
I live in a southern city, and the outrage on social media is unbelievable. And in my city, the outrage is AGAINST this whole bathroom bullshit. My favorite social media post is the lady who posted that we ladies are more afraid of no toilet paper in the bathroom than who is peeing beside us. For once, I'm proud.
“Look at these flowers she painted... they looks like “flowers””!
Some upper-class, beautifully dressed Black people in the 1940s, and their family intrigue.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.