Ugh, as someone who lived right near the VMFA and had to deal with these dumb douchebags on the reg I can tell you, they may not be the Klan but they’re certainly racist.
Ugh, as someone who lived right near the VMFA and had to deal with these dumb douchebags on the reg I can tell you, they may not be the Klan but they’re certainly racist.
I think this is it as much as a anything. He leaves his job where people (presumably) kiss his ass, goes to his big ass house, looks around and says “no racism here! Everyone else better shape up!”
Fake as hell. He is practically grabbing her booty. I am going to speak for all Black women here: STRANGERS GET CHURCH HUGS EVEN IF WE ARE HEATHENS!!
Hey now, you need to chill your ass. I’m in one of these bumfuck shit towns with 95% totality and I don’t really appreciate your insinuation that my town sucks. It does, definitely, suck. But the citizens of suck-town are the only people allowed to say that.
Thanks for reminding me off that Brad Paisley/LL Cool J abomination.
This isn’t a debate in our community - there is a strong consensus regarding how black people feel about the monuments to slave owners, and yet, somebody is able to scrounge up a random brown body to embrace (assuming you believe this to be real) and this is now the new narrative? This is meaningful, because....
I can forgive the Hound for that because he made up for it by saving Tormund. I was momentarily losing my shit thinking he was a goner and my dreams of giant babies with Brienne were dashed.
This, Arya basically turned into every jackass on the internet that blames Sansa for everything bad that happens and ignores the fact that she was a terrified child being manipulated by several adults in positions of power.
Look, Dany and Jon are totally gonna bang next episode.
This was me watching the episode:
Let’s see if their change of heart prevents them from voting for the next Republican candidate, and the next, and the next. Trump is a swine, and as a President he’s an unprecedented swine, but the big ongoing problem is his party’s shitty policies.
Exactly, these idiots all want chaos? Fine, but I hope it’ll come at their expense. If every single one of them drowns from the rising sea levels, excuse me while I don’t give a fuck.
Thanks for sharing that article.
This whole thread could go in the “No Home Training” section.
I should note: this was my interpretation. But if the majority feel otherwise, then she overshot and fucked up.
This assumes her audience understands that kind of subtlety. Most (white) people think it’s “brilliant”, and not because it’s shaming people for their head in the sand (cake) inertia.