Just finished it yesterday. It’s good and makes me appreciate her more than I had.
Just finished it yesterday. It’s good and makes me appreciate her more than I had.
Lance’s “90's House,” co-hosted with Christina Milian, got bumped from MTV to MTV2, so this was the natural next step.
I was reading my son his bedtime story, and this time I was the one that was stalling because I was dreading checking in on the results. When I the great news, I called my son downstairs for a chocolate milk celebration. Tonight we celebrate; tomorrow we get back to work.
These poor kids. I’d gladly donate to a GoFundMe campaign to cover the application fees to apply and transfer to a school that isn’t fucking terrible. Where are the alumni and school donors? Holy shit.
As someone who worked at multiple military installations, Fox News is on every TV 24/7. In office lobbies, in waiting rooms, everywhere.
Are The Opposition video ads killing anyone else? It keeps scrolling me back to the video. This has happened on several articles today.
Watch it. Season one is on Netflix. It’s CW gone dark (as dark as CW can be).
Sorry. Completely misread that. You’re right.
Virginia did not go for Trump. Mind you, Northern VA dragged the rest of the state into decency, but our electoral votes went to Hillary.
I think about that story every time I put on headphones. And I was still waiting for this post. Who will traumatize me for life this year?
I had one of those. I finally looked her dead in the eyes and said, “It’s not for lack of trying, Susan.” Like at best, would you like me to report to you when I’m ovulating or that I had sex the night before? At worst, would you like me to tell you that I can’t have any more kids? What answer do people actually want…
Just made 2017greenbook@gmail.com. You can email me there.
Too late to edit, but holy grammar: *NBC should provide him a cut
Bobby is truly doing the Lord’s work. NBC should be provide him a cut because he is the ONLY reason Megyn’s name is gracing my eyeballs.
I’m not a web developer, but I’d happily volunteer copy editing time to see this come to fruition.
My mom’s not-so-helpful sex talk of taking me to the gynecologist at 15 and telling them to “put her on something” kept my skin clear for over a solid decade. I got off birth control, immediately got pregnant, and nursed for a year and a half. Once I stopped nursing, my face exploded. I’m still trying to find the…
My sister-in-law didn’t eat lunch for two years because of those reduced lunch tickets. Once her mom found out, she was then taking up extra shifts in order to be able to make her lunch.
But isn’t that the premise of the Bachelor regardless of the lead?
His high school yearbook goal was to be on the show. This wasn’t a normal person who let his friends “help him” kind of situation.
Ugh. When I bought my last car, my husband came with me solely to test drive and occupy our kid. I was trading in my car, the bank check was in my name, I knew exactly what I wanted, and my husband deferred to me if someone asked for his opinion. We both had to get our IDs copied in order to test drive. When we came…