
This article is trash.

THIS. Picking on Tiffany and not the white female comedians who have worked with questionable men is racist. I don’t think people really understand what racism is.

because you have to tear down successful black people. you haven’t figured this shit out yet?

“We’ve reached out to Haddish’s management for comment and an editor at Simon and Schuster who’s worked them both. We’ll update if we hear back”

You can also recognize the military actually is pretty great and has fuck all to do with the man or woman in charge. When you are in the military, you don’t think about how proud the president is of you, you care about your buddies to the left and the right of you.

Because of the toxic attitudes “womens be crazy” and “artistes must be free to make their art”. Blech.

Someone suggested that she was making fun of people who would say things like that, but I don’t know of any courageous acts she’s taken against white supremacy that would make it obvious that she’s doing satire.

“I also think we should examine why, though. Otherwise, we’re just knocking down something for badness without learning ourselves from it”

Yup, I hate her. She can take her shitty white feminism and shove it.

I mean, assholes are going to asshole ... but I’ve had four or five interactions this week with customers who clearly had no idea how my job worked on even a basic level. And I’ve only worked four or five hours this week (because service ain’t my main gig).

Right, we’ve always only cared about what is ours. This was well-meaning I’m sure but fuck was it self important. This is not some new age where kids don’t matter. They never fucking mattered.

As the Buddha once said, “The suffering of others does not become real until one suffers through reading a blog written by White moms.”

Plus, they let go of someone due to bad behavior? Yeah, okay, but they still plan to work with Johnny Depp.

No, that’s not it. What’s upsetting is the portrayal of supporting brown characters as stereotypes. No one is upset that Kumail ended up with a white woman - we’re upset that his only other choices were presented as jokes or as comically one-dimensional characters.

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

Trans people and their allies AGREE that there is such a thing as female humans and male humans. Trans women are women and trans men are men. We don’t exclude anyone by adapting our language around reproduction to accommodate for trans people. Making inclusive adjustments to language allows us to avoid “acting like

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

Was she apprised that she was taking a risk? Unless this were the case, I honestly do not think that her weight could have been considered being “absurdly risky.” She may have simply wished to have fun like the rest, and felt secure in her choice. Were she extremely slim and slipped out of the seat belt, would we be

If he announces he isn’t acting again, you’re concerned. If he just doesn’t act again, you’re concerned. Really no way to please you is there?