If you’re interested in an *actual* War on Christmas, I have some bad news for you about the Puritans....
If you’re interested in an *actual* War on Christmas, I have some bad news for you about the Puritans....
Turns out “enemy of my enemy” may not be my friend.
Not to make light of it, but this in a nutshell is why post-invasion politics for further Ukrainian integration to the West will be difficult.
Useful line from Bill Gates: “People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10.”
Story time: I was on the college powerlifting team and it was filled with the expected collection of beer belly college lifting bros. Our coach pointed out that a lack of flexibility was hindering our power out of the hole on squats and made us all do hamstring/etc stretches. He made us do what he called “playgirl…
Maybe 15 years ago, I was driving in the MI UP on a Sunday afternoon. Roads mostly empty, so I wound up settling in behind some guy in a sedan for about 80 miles - just into that fugue state, spinning out the miles and not quite paying attention to much. Passed a rest stop and maybe 2 miles later, saw flashers in…
With the butter keeper, do you have to keep re-filling the butter container after you use any amount butter to ensure that there’s no air touching the remaining butter?
Blah. The world’s an emptier place.
If you can, look at the extra features of “The Imposters”, and you’ll see him tell the best fuzzy dog joke of all time. He billed it as the joke that you can use to tell whether someone has a sense of humor or not, and his delivery is absolutely impeccable.
I suspect that the person on the receiving end of whatever he said/did is probably in a better position to judge their safety than any of us are.
Excellent article as always, Beth.
Having had to monitor my heart rate for several months now, post open heart surgery, I’ve worked my way into using your approach for cardio training, seemingly by accident.
Do your LISS and track your HR, but don’t let it constrain your workout. Go by what you feel, not the numbers on…
Many of them were prettier...aaaand we’re done.
Here’s my armchair psychiatrist theory. If you’re 65-75ish now, you were 10-ish in 1955-65-ish. Cars were exciting, prettier, and represented a different thing - class aspirations, a kind of mobility that your parents didn’t have, etc. Even the poorest car owner could go…
“...but both groups can spread it....” Exactly nobody in this thread has been arguing that.
Can’t tell if my edit took:
Wait - that’s the hair you’re trying to split? That once you get Covid, vaccinated or not, you probably pass at the same rates? Note that my text which you seemed to be disputing was “vaccinated people do get/pass the virus, but at a much lower rate than the un-vaxxed.”
Base rate fallicy applies here - since…
There are quite literally dozens of sources documenting that case rate is lower in vaccinated people - a google search on “covid rates unvaccinated vs. vaccinated” will provide significant documentation.
re: the CDC - I typed in “cdc vaccination vs. unvaccinated infection rates” to google. Even accounting for my…
You killed it this year, Beth. I always look forward to your articles - they contain some of the smartest advice on the web.
Have a great 2022!
Fair point - I should have used the past tense.
In fact, people who know wine, know to disregard the tasting notes.