
See my note in the greys.

How do I get out of the greys here? Not complaining - just trying to understand.

Way easier but less pretty version: Cut the chestnuts in half (serrated knife works better, bread knife works best). The mechanical process of cutting them in half is also less likely to slice your fingers.

That way you don’t have to try to get them out of the shells when they’re hot. Let them cool enough that you can

OK time to mention that some of the independent heroes we are should just wear their f-ing masks?

I’m at 7, but something else feels like an age thing. I honestly can’t tell why these albums/songs are standouts in their respective genres. I didn’t dislike anything on that list, but I’d genuinely appreciate some YT/podcast/etc that could explain why any one of these is deemed better than everything else in the same

“How do you define fair?” hits the thing with the other thing. If the point of the thing is to create a completely level playing field so everything is “fair”, will we address wildly disparate access to nutrition/coaching/facilities/etc?

Separately, T levels are not the only meaningful measure of whether an athlete

In my corner of MI, the affluent 50-60 year olds were a big part of the problem too. Travel to/from second homes was a big vector.

I should probably clarify. Part of the problem is that access to quality healthcare and non-crowded living/working space is not distributed equally along racial lines, not that some ethnicities are “worth” more than others.

People who don’t mask are ethically equivilant to drunk drivers, IMO.

Yeah, the problem is that the hillbillies aren’t the ones dying.

One of the difficult things is to be in MI, where the Gov is the opposite of RDS. She’s trying her best to keep control of the thing and the hillbillies just don’t want to believe her. MI per 100k is not running too far behind FL in cases and its curve shape is worse.

Not sure why I’m stuck in the greys, but FastStone Capture solves both issues very well.

Faststone Capture is your friend

Can someone refresh my memory on the policy about men wearing dresses for enjoyment? I’m confused. I thought I knew what it was, but now I guess I don’t.

@dead_elvis, inc

IMO, you touched on one of the most important ways to think about any esthetic preference - the difference between “I like it” and “It’s good”.

I like chards that would probably be defined as overoaked. I like them, but would never say that they’re good examples of the chard class definition. Similarly,

Obligatory reblog of the Herkimer Battle Jitney

Fair point, but remember that predictability, consistency, and repeatability have a higher premium when you’re spending > $20k than if you’re rolling the dice on the $5.95 lunch special at Crazy Larry’s Discount Haus of Abraded Chicken.

This is insane. The song is so specifically about David having to sit with the sin of sleeping w/ Batsheva, resulting in the literal end of the Davidic line. It’s about how to live w/ the sins against a lover (from the author’s standpoint) or against God (from David’s standpoint). The verse “Took the name in

James Bradley: “I don’t understand. Why would a pussy be wet? Did the cat fall in the tub or something? What?....oh. So it’s slang term for ladypocket? Ahhhh, kids these days.........So wait. I still don’t understand. Why would a woman’s downthereplace be wet? Is that something that happens?

Agreed on many points. I like the options that Eva’s character had for the writers to present a narrative about how wealth protects certain minorities from specific types of discrimination (looking at you Andrew Sullivan). I was also initially not hugely perturbed by Kat’s dalliance with her. To my cis white guy

If anything, it’s a better time to buy.”

Based on what? The stock price dropped because of a lack of faith in an established structural component of FB’s profitability - people’s willingness to share their personal data.

Given that the nature of FB is that it requires that willingness in order to be profitable, why