
I feel like this would be a big problem. How is a teacher supposed to keep an eye on 20-30 students' iPads to make sure nobody is goofing off?

No, they'll make money selling regular text books to the school, and extra money selling iBooks to the students.

I don't think I would cheat on my wife with any of those women; least of all Katy Perry. And Sarah Palin? Really?

This is a cool idea. I'll definitely try it out and see how it goes. I like the thought of being able to direct the other characters with my voice.

I approve of this idea because it would fit neatly in my entertainment center.

I'm on the fence about this. Books don't stop working when the battery dies. Books can survive pretty significant falls.

Does anyone know if Sprint is ever going to bother getting any more WP7 phones? I have the Arrive, but the screen is cracked and I want something a little slimmer.

Everything Genie did eventually poofed away in a wisp of smoke, so I always figured the people/animals in the parade were all fake. Except for the elephant, I guess, who I think sticks around. Or was Abu turned into the elephant? I forget.

That looks like the first picture of a coed spread in Playboy. Not very school appropriate.

My wife will try to watch it with me, but I can tell she doesn't really care what's going on. She loves football season, though. She likes to go shopping during Bears games because the stores are much emptier.

To be fair, I would think that Russel Brand's original People's Choice invitation was as Katy's +1.

Hey, if you mess with (insert obscure PBS show), I'll (insert threat).

That, I completely understand.

Not far enough. Come join my church of bank robbery and latter day adultery.

There is absolutely such a thing as counterfeit violins. Stradivarius violins are constantly faked and sold.

Honestly, the way everyone got a boner for Dark Souls, I would have guessed that would have easily won a community vote.

Knife goes in, guts come out, that's what Osaka Seafood Concern is all about.

Meh, I've been shouting "Xbox! Games!... Play Bastion!" at my TV for weeks now and, while it works rather well, I just don't see the point. The same thing with waving to control things. Works well, but after a few times it loses its novelty. Using the actual controller is usually much faster.

To be fair, you didn't need to google the Japanese reactor or Jobs' death, because those stories were everywhere, constantly.

My 10 year is next year and I'm still on the fence about going. I didn't mind high school, and there are some people I wouldn't mind seeing again, but they are people who likely wouldn't go to a reunion.