
My wife and I got married and bought our first home last year, so we got a fat ass refund.

Best case scenario, Nintendo gives us something that is a mix of the best of the GameCube and the Wii. Worst case scenario, we get all-HD updates of our favorite shovelware.

I would say yes, but my wife would end me.

I wish more channels had programming available on Netflix. I honestly wouldn't mind commercials added if it meant I could watch more shows.

I'll admit... You had me going until the middle of the article. Judging by the comments, I'd say you got everyone else, too.

I agree with ASUS on this one. I get all the Android goodness I need from my smartphone. I want Windows for my tablet because I would be working with it.


Shit, for that money, I wonder if they are hiring any men. I'd totally GayDate on Live for .36/min

That's the point... The laptop costs so much money that something insignificant like this should be included.

I honestly thought the Dickwolves comic was hilarious. A couple weeks ago, I saw that post on Penny Arcade that mentioned this whole situation, and after digging around and reading as much as I could about it, I was disappointed.

I fucking love that song.

They used something like this (maybe even this exact thing) on Law & Order SVU this week.

I laughed for like an hour the first time I saw that episode.

That is potentially wonderful news.

While I agree that the Sniper Rifle seems out of place, I frickin' love the Javelin. That secondary fire has saved me from those damn running children a bunch of times.

You should love your significant other every day. Valentine's Day exists solely to earn brownie points.

I like the game a lot, but my 30 days is almost up and I'm not sure if I'll keep going. If they fixed the communication problems and did a little bit of balancing I'd stick around.

Anybody play the Killzone 3 campaign demo yet? I really dug it.

Oh, god that is truly blowful. Good luck with that.

I'm not surprised to see Heavenly Sword on there. The game was really great looking but her hair was so awful.