
@CuttySark: I would definitely play Enslaved first, because it is shorter than the other two but still super great.

@MathIsHard: As long as the HD is the right kind for the PS3, you should have no problem using it. Once you install it the console takes care of the rest.

I really liked the beta but I haven't felt the urge to log back in for the last week or so. I might hop on one last time tonight to try this stuff out, though.

@Methusalah: I read a tiny bit about that survey, which is actually what sparked my interest. I haven't found much about the changes or whatever, because seriously every gaming site aside from Kotaku is blocked at work. Not quite sure how that works, but whatever.

Yeah, I'm not buying my kid a $30 crayon and a $600 coloring book.

Does anyone here still play FFXIV? How do you like the improvements so far?

I was looking forward to Angry Birds (because it runs like shit on my HTC Hero) but $4 is too much.

"my wife tells me now she is totally disgusted to see how much money is sitting on top of the shelf."

I don't think it should count, but if it does, it should go into the record books with an asterisk.

@Eric-Cartman: Are you playing Borderlands by yourself? I didn't really like it solo, but playing through it co-op with my brother was a lot of fun.

CoD is fun, but it's not the only game in town. If they start charging I'll just take my business elsewhere. Not a big deal, really.

What are the big releases this month? LBP 2 and Mass Effect 2 are coming out, but I thought there was something else.

I can never remember when things come out, so I don't bother making year-based lists. I honestly forgot Heavy Rain came out in 2010 until I read that guy's list. Good game, though.

@Link1983: Those animals were the best part! My wife and I played through that level three times.

So I suck at download-only games. For some reason I never bother to finish anything I download off of PSN or Live.

This is the kind of thing a celebrity would buy when their house was scheduled to appear on MTV Cribs.

@dreamfall: I like the beta a lot but I'm still undecided as to whether or not I'll get the game when it releases next month.

Used my Christmas giftcards yesterday to buy a sound bar for my tv. I set it up yesterday but it was late and I didn't really get a chance to try it out. I'm looking forward to spending hours getting acquainted to it tonight.

@landonkun: I think if the ice cream is any other color, you should probably see a doctor.