
@saulpimpson: Mine didn't take very long, two and a half hours, maybe, but yeah, it would have been nice to be able to background download it.

Anybody playing the DC Universe beta? I started playing the PS3 version last night and the game is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Feels a lot like City of Heroes, but the combat is way better.

The DC Universe Online Beta is up? Woo!

I love the fuck out of digital media, but I'm not ready for an all-digital shift.

Started to play FFX again this weekend. I've played it before but I never finished it. I'd like to be able to add it to the list of Final Fantasy games I've actually bothered to finish. Right now the list is looking rather slim, featuring only the original FF, FF7, and FF9.

I read Bone for the first time earlier this year. It was awesome. I would recommend it to anyone.

@TVs_Frank: Ok, yeah, I'll buy that argument.

I don't know why ODST gets so much shit. I really liked the campaign in that one.

I just finished reading The Walking Dead: Compendium 1.

I think this is an awesome looking shooter accessory. I've never used one of these things outside an arcade, though, so I don't know if I'll pick it up.

@Unknown-User: It's definitely possible, but it sounds incredibly expensive.

So last night my wife and I spent some time playing Kung Fu Live. I love the idea but the execution is hardly ideal.

Day one DLC: Lara's "Classic outfit"

This internet0only idea doesn't sit well with me. Those of us with Comcast know that you can't always rely on a stable internet connection, and I'd hate for my computer to be useless without it.

I just read this email this morning. Super lame that we will have to wait longer for the PS3 version, but I guess it's for the best, because the PC version isn't very fun right now.

So my wife and I played through the new LBP minigame: Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves.

@Mokon: Yeah, I loved the Uncharted 2 multiplayer.

I remember renting House of the Dead when it was on the "new release" wall at Hollywood Video. I was super excited for it because I loved those games.