Whoa. Your “ifs” are pretty weak there, and attributing single cause-> effect in this election is pretty silly.
Whoa. Your “ifs” are pretty weak there, and attributing single cause-> effect in this election is pretty silly.
This speech was given a year before Malcolm X was murdered, a month after he broke from the Nation of Islam and the day before he left for Mecca. He and MLK had a complicated relationship, but given the date of this specific speech I think it’s unlikely that this line was directed squarely at Dr. King. At this point,…
Thank you for this reminder. The whole Ballot or the Bullet speech is just amazing. http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/blackspeech/mx.html
I think that your takeaway from my comments is vastly different from my intent. It takes both to communicate, so I own my part, but please re-read my first comment in this thread. I think it’s pretty clear I’m not policing anyone or defining what is acceptable. The funny thing is, most of the replies are people…
Still not really sure why you’re being so unpleasant. I’m grateful that you’re marching and that you support PP. I am always grateful for people who take action for social justice, even when that action doesn’t work for me. I’ll be there with my daughter in tow (maybe we can side eye each other in DC?). Good luck…
“Shut up and tow the line” -gotcha.
Take no chances! (I don’t have photoshop anymore, so can everyone just pretend I very cleverly put Jennifer Holliday on Costner’s back? Thanks)
The student group who invited him revoked their invitation. The university didn’t silence anyone.
That was a really nice response. Thanks for this. I’m terrified too. Hopefully I’ll see you all on the other side of this political shitshow and we can disagree about less frightening things, like how knitting is better than crocheting. <3
Propping up a candidate, setting up a presidency. We good?
I feel totally fucking relaxed now! Feminists get a bad name for trying to police each other. That’s not what I’m doing here, and I’ve been clear about that from the beginning. It’s a goddamn comment section on an article about the pink kitty hats. I left a comment about how I felt. Not sure why everyone needs to…
He was invited to host the show well after his comments about immigrants and other gross displays, and just one year before the election (air date 11/7/15).
I’m not super clear on why me expressing the opinion that I don’t absolutely love the idea of kitty hats has made people react with this kind of vitriol. As I said, do you. It’s not for me. We’re on the same side in probably many other ways.
Did you read the Angus Johnson piece? He specifically addresses this point.
Whoa. Easy there. I wasn’t complaining. I do think that $ would make a bigger difference, but of course I think folks should do what they think is best. I’m talking about what’s right for me. It’s why I frame this as my opinion, and say “I think” rather than finger-wagging about this. Cats are independent…
I’m just not seeing a sea of pink kitty ears as powerful. Why not take what you spent on yarn and donate it to PP? eta: I work for PP, and I have ladyparts.
I keep getting whiffs of sexualization and objectification when women wear kitty ears. I’d be on board if these hats actually looked like vaginas. Dressing up like a vagina is empowering. Dressing up like a kitten? Less so, imo.