
and I’m loving every bit of it.

No writters name. You know they expect blowback

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

When arguing about how fucking horrible it is that 45 is literally holding children hostage in cages to try to force Democrats to capitulate to his heinous immigration demands, some asshat who supports the decomposing carrot currently leading our country complained that, “I’m relentless.”

The lives of the people who support this are falling apart. There’s this incident, and earlier this afternoon, Sessions’ was charged by the Methodist Church (which is his religion) for his involvement in the separation of children from their parents and the glee he’s taking from it. His own religion is going to kick

Well, it’s also Nazi propagandizing and limit-testing at it’s most obvious. The Nazis used to pull shit like this all the time, just to prove to the occupied countries or neighboring countries that they could get away with it.

Apparently she really loves her tacos flavored with spit?

I know, right? It’s like, there’s being an asshole, there’s being a colossal asshole, there’s fifty miles of epic assholerdom, and then there’s this fucking shit. She’s not even trying to hide it.

The least we can do is make their lives inconvenient. Make it so that they have to stay home, make it so that they can’t escape the chanting crowds outside their windows. I’m even for protesting outside the schools of their children because I just don’t care anymore.

The irony of her dining at a “Mexican” restaurant is mind-blowing.

She honestly went to a Mexican restaurant? That’s...a choice.

Yep. Michael, don’t think for a minute you aren’t making a difference. I know you write to show and expose. But it does resonate. It has opened my eyes. Glad to be alienated and left out. Not going to quietly think it’s enough to sit and say nothing any longer.

I feel like a broken record, because I so often say this on your articles, but this is brilliant. And it is shattering, and I wish that everyone would read it.

Spot on.

#1 Lion fan — lion on the ground, that is.

Posted it before, but found this hilarious.

“Our game will have you fighting Nazi zombies!”
“Oh, cool.”
“In our WWII game, there’s a female protagonist!”

Between this and the jogger shitter, Colorado seems like a pretty crappy place.

No Peggle 2 dude?