Come now, everyone knows that Bards are the best class.
Come now, everyone knows that Bards are the best class.
One political party is ACTIVELY SABOTAGING a law, a law they admit they can’t repeal, that provides HEALTHCARE TO CITIZENS.
I want to see someone have the fucking guts to say, “I had heard the rumors. Maybe I never saw anything, but I wasn’t deaf. I had heard. And I didn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything because I was scared. I was scared that Harvey would crush me. I put my own self interests before the interests of others. I was able…
Is it too difficult for you to read the thread?
“Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans”
I hate to say it but the culture section of any nursing textbook that tries to go into the subject is often full of racist and stereotypical garbage. I would argue about test questions that contained things I knew to either be false or not true across the board. I had a textbook that claimed that African Americans…
There are 2 types of cookies that end up making me feel deep shame: Samoas and Double Stuf Oreos. I can’t control myself around them AT ALL. I will eat the entire package. So much shame.
You’re thinking of Paul.
Guess we’ll see how he is under pressure. Federal warrants being executed right now. First reported raid is a GOP campaign consulting firm:
Not the first time audiences who never watched the medium downrated stuff anonymously on a website.
After American University elected the first African-American woman to lead its student body, the white supremacist…
I always appreciate when well done kids show up in games, it makes the worlds so much more lived in and believable.
Many game developers, for whatever reason, struggle to model kids that don’t look extremely weird or creepy.
Are they free-range dildos though?
Calling it Snctm makes it sound like that lame fucking sex club Tom Cruise donned a mask for in Eyes Wide Shut. I guess I’m old-fashioned because I want my sex theatre to be called RamRod or TightHoles or something. I want vowels and exciting rectal metaphors.
Or, move your body in non-linear ways.
Anal organic beads
Ha. I say that every morning when my husband is getting dressed :P
We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use…
Power fantasy vs sexual fantasy, we've been over this.