
All I wanna do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom. And a poom-poom.

I heard that guy grew up to become Marilyn Manson though.

You say boner butter, I say penis Parkay

If you listened to any post Liquid Swords Gza, you would probably shrug…

December 30th could be 45 degrees with no snow on the ground or fucking Hoth…I'm afraid if I win it will be the latter…so I won't enter; thereby guaranteeing a beautiful December day in Chicago.

Well I have kids and so far I've been able to tell them to fuck all that noise (I'm a great parent), but these Lego's will probably mean I'm getting a PS3 and countless figures…sidenote: just yesterday I bought 2 Lego exo suits fer meself (I'm a grown man).

My immediate thought on The Exorcist was the Fray's "How to Save a Life" which is a far more frightening song than The Exorcist theme…

Does your person judge wisely and lounge between two pillars of ivory?

They're doing so ironically because young people are the worst and they don't vote anyhow…

This trailer was played before Minions, which made Minions seem adequate!

Is this the Community movie? Is Jason Sudeikis the big budget Joel McHale?

more self-righteously bent out of shape

By next day you mean shame eating it in the parking lot immediately after? It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault…

They have forks there, fatty.

For some, 3 lbs of burrito is not enough. I'm shocked at how many people add chips and guac to their orders at lunch.

I will have to check this guy's albums out as I am a huge fan of George Duke (RIP) and he sounds verily similar……

This would be my hate song…I think everything began going downhill in 1996 with the Spice Girls and those pesky Mickey Mouse club kids…

But "Baby Beluga" isn't played at grocery stores, Home Depot, casual restaurants, etc…Happy is sonic terrorism.

Well it is a soundtrack song…which is usually a regular pop song with even less poppycock to edit out for the scene…The WORST ever songwriter for happy and positive shit has to be Natasha Bedingfield…the British Sheryl Crow. Fuck them indeed.