
It was reassuring to read something positive.

I liked this, but if you could see the look of horror on my face at "salad."

While everyone is right about the Confrontation Clause, there are some (organized crime based) exemptions at times—basically, if someone gets whacked prior to trial, in certain cases previous deposition or examination can be allowed in. (That's a sloppy paraphrase, but Monday.)

Thanks for this.

I had no idea Rochester had any such scene, but I'm glad to hear it worked for them.

But the Natives have to keep the current residents. They can put them on reservations, if they want. I just don't want a bunch of Intellectual Dust Bowl Okies in my town.

I was in the first class to do Calc at my school. I was proud to hold the record for Lowest AP Test Score for a whole year, until my best friend 1'd it the next year.

exactly. in the early 90s, I took part in the first ever AP class my school had ever held. Now the kids have choices within each subject of which to take.

I'm holding my tongue a bit because I really used to get on the show, and then it wasn't so bad, so perhaps again the payoff will surprise me.

"Second from the left, furthest to the Right."

Well, not in so many words. They are caring and compassionate Catholics, after all.

Seriously. Fred's from Jacksonville. You expect a certain level of sociopathic behavior. But a Canadian going that route?

Friend's neighbor when she was a kid was this awesome family who had all the coolest toys and neatest stuff and lavished attention on her. Really nice people. Except it turns out Mr. Neighbor was billing the state for a fictional health care facility and then spent a nickel in state prison for the $2 million in

I'm always of two minds on fighting in hockey. Probably because I don't buy the arguments at either extreme. If fighting isn't part of hockey, we're not going to have some utopia of 24/7 speedy skill play with 10 Lady Byng candidates on the ice at all times nor are we having unchecked aggression against the stars with

I enjoyed it and I'm usually quite critical of hockey movies. It was decent fluff, but made by someone that liked the sport. Schreiber's aging goon sort of nailed the point of the article, too.

I envy her attention to re-use, at least.

Or leave the change in the leftover food. That was what sealed it for me.

At my school, the debate/forensics/dramatic interpretation people were the worst. They were like the musical theater kids in typical nerdish social cluelessness, without the talent to sing, but all but certain stardom was the only path for them.

Well, he was a debate team member and a teenager. Those two things aren't quite a Hitler 'stache as far as "signs of assholery" but they are in the top five.

I'm glad to see the level of douchebaggery that gets negative attention. I eat out a lot with family and they are garden variety nags, so I'm encouraged that there's less saliva in my dinner than I had estimated.