
Wedding was her first time off crutches after breaking hip. Wore sandals sort of like my grandmother always wore. Actual wedding shoes still in box in closet somewhere years later. Had slippers and Chucks ready to go as alternate plans.

Sorry you went through that all, but you sound strong and composed, so good on you.

My MIL is from this same family, I fear.

thank you for the tale. I enjoyed it immensely.

I find, as a bitter old person, that the details of the spouse matter less that the surrounding players.

That ladder comment is the best thing I've read today. COTD!

I do love some crap tv, but I'm glad that I never checked this out. I saw the Miller person on DWTS and she was so obnoxious I put anything she's on forever on my list.

It's a no win. Either you chime in to prove you're there and involved or you have the boss think you checked out and may not even be at the desk.

Agreed. When I worked for a private firm, meetings were painfully short. I don't think anyone knew why we were there or what their assignment was by the time the partners tossed us out. Unless it was a billable. I think some of those meetings are still going on and I left there ten years ago.

I don't usually read the foodspin stuff because I can't cook, but this was funny enough that I'll keep looking for more.

I thought AJ was in prison.

I think we all need to thank AJ for setting the bar so low that we can appreciate Tommy.

I don't know where I fall on this. Unable to understand satire Feminist, maybe.

You know my MIL?

So good of your friend.

As a lifelong Leafs fan, I gave this a star. Very accurate. And now I'm going to go cry in the john.


He was my QB in my XFL league. That reference is antique.

I might disagree with you on if Skip B. set him back with one of his blowhard comments, but I appreciate you speaking out and sharing your story. I wish, coming from my own place, that Bayless had stopped at "problem with alcohol" because that a-word brings a lot of baggage and opinions with it.

Bayless has no credibility and everything he says sounds like he's trying to give a contrarian hot take.