I'm not that fat. Well, sort of. Okay. I am. But that's just mean.
I'm not that fat. Well, sort of. Okay. I am. But that's just mean.
It's destabilizing for kids if Elmo isn't on when they expect it.
My partner and I met in college. Friendship turned into love. Then we moved to partner's hometown, near partner's parents, and partner is now regressed to being basically a child who is upset when I don't do things mommy/daddy's way. I don't know if the person I want to be with is still there somewhere or whether I…
So true. I wasted years chasing an idea instead of actual people, because I wasn't clear with myself on what I wanted.
How is the family destroyed? The idea that we require a Mom with an apron and cookies and a Dad with a breadwinner job is just a short step from saying separated parents can't be good parents.
You know, I didn't really care one way or the other until people started telling you that you were wrong. I grew up with parents that had a lot of baggage and it sucked. I don't know the extent, or the specifics, to this day, but I do know that you have to make the choices that are best for you. Maybe they are "right"…
she doesn't want a legitimate partnership, she wants to keep her single life and have someone there to keep her company.
Seriously. We're going to NYC in a bit and my SIL is already all over us about dressing the part so we aren't obvious tourists. Little does she know I'll use this article to scare her into thinking I'm packing a fanny pack and ortho shoes.
For a show that was on so briefly, MSCL really did impact a certain age group dramatically, didn't it?
I think I have it on VHS, too. As I am old. I don't even know if any of the vcrs in the house work
Check out the rest of her Vines. Hot.
Awesome book. And movie.
My main concern about "leaning in" is that it really seems geared toward extroverts or people who really put themselves out there. Even on Sandberg's site, there's a "lean in for introverts" that says what most business books say, "save your energy and be an extrovert when you need to." Even if women weren't socially…
Deadspin reposted a wonderful, and heartbreaking, tale about a gay major league ballplayer in the late 70s yesterday. There have been gays in sports longer than there have been sports.
Seriously. Way to completely invalidate anything of value he might have said.
Yeah, but I plan entire vacations around my trip to that Moroccan restaurant.
We visit NYC for a week each year. We get to pretend we are those oligarchs, or starving actors, or any stereotype we want, while crashing at a friend's condo.
I do see what you're saying, and the value to it. I'm just weighing this against a hypothetical court of public opinion in my mind. I see the response to "I feel sorry for her" as an outcry of "the rapist is infantilizing" whereas (as a lawyer) I have a greater faith in the verdict of a court to mean "something" in my…
"Sensible" being key. And absent.
Oh, look. More comments correcting the poster have been removed after trying to make clear it wasn't a "random internet comment."