Its not very diverse at all. The show doesn’t really reflect the native Chicago population at all.
Its not very diverse at all. The show doesn’t really reflect the native Chicago population at all.
Why do you interpret it as shame? Modesty in religion is not always due to anti-body attitudes. And men in Islam are required to be modest as well and even wear a head covering. But men don’t because men run most of public life.
Or anything but an all-white chick or all-Chinese chick, and on and on.
Maybe he wanted multiracial women because it fit the theme. Is any worse than wanting women of a certain size?
Is “black women only” any better?
“He just has really gross ideas about presenting women and using them ornamentally”
All I have to say is, if you watch the Jameis “Gravity is a bitch ” fumble gif while listening to the Kirk Cousins “You like that!” enough times the cadence of the camera shutters will perfectly sync with Jameis’s awkward fall on his ass. The distillation that emerges is the essence of modern day American football.
That’s BS. How many throwaway male characters get killed off or beaten to a pulp by protagonists? Characters whose sole function is to be “dealt with” by the main character?Violence against men is used a cheap plot device just as much if not more. Fact is, you probably don’t even notice because it is so common. Don’t…
How is it different? Do men not fight and kill each other in real life? Why is one okay to portray in the big screen but the other is not. And how is Batman beating up Harley, a villain, somehow equal to a man beating up his partner? How can women be villains if they aren’t given the same treatment as male villains?…
The notion of “Creepy sexual overtones” is subjective. Rambo running around shooting guys with his shirt off can be seen as having sexual overtones. A “hero” choking and punching a “villainess” is not necessarily sexual.
Is sexualized violence worse than getting your head blown off? And what makes Batman beating up a villain sexualized?
I think the point is that violence against men is often played for laughs. And given the roles that Harley and Batman occupy, their relationship can hardly be called domestic. They are enemies and enemies hurt each other. If Harley was a male, would you care?
Women watch action flicks just as much as men. How else you think those action blockbuster rake in so much money?
And? So the violence doesn’t “count” somehow? And how is Suicide Squad supposed to be different from any other action film?
Those articles prove ejd’s point. The fact no one has deigned to write an article about violence against men in movies proves the point. The fact that we don’t talk about violence against men shows how it is normalized.
And men getting mowed down by machine guns isn’t objectification?
The often singular women found in a fridge can’t compare to the number of men(guilty or not) who will suffer as the “hero” seeks to avenge her.
Yeah, but you rarely witness that violence against women. The narrative begins at the aftermath. Compare that to all the action movies and crime dramas that feature violence against men. It’s not even comparable. I think we’ve normalized violence against men we don’t even register when it happens.
Not nearly as much as men! Lol!
Can’t violence between men have “creepy sexual undertones”?