Blast Tyrant

Just putting it out there that Varga's fire team proved to be pretty inept. I'm pretty sure that real special ops types would take the stairs not the elevator and wouldn't allow themselves to get all bunched up in a narrow hallway like that without clearing all the other storage units. I loved the scene though.

Twist! Snickers and Rikers are a crime fighting dog and cat.

"Technology is driven by wealth and pornography." The truest statement Varga ever made.

I caught that line about arguing with the others regarding Wrench's fate too. If he is God, then you would have to accept that there is some sort of pantheon at play. And that wouldn't really jive with the Abrahamic interpretation of things in much of the Coens' works. The "Wandering Jew" theory also makes sense given

Of course, Gloria was always pure. In fact, if you accept that Marrane is God she certainly passed all of his tests in the LA episode. And it seems like Wrench might have ended up being the avenging angel. He might not have gotten the Devil Varga but he laid waste to the flawed humans that followed him.

The fact that she was interrupted while delivering the scripture only to end up killing an innocent man supports your theory. I choose to believe that Gloria prevailed because she didn't leave the path of righteousness even though she was never given a deliberate divine objective to do that.

Well that was one hell of a perfectly executed episode. We may all argue over what it all means, but they played it all out amazingly. That storage unit sequence was stunning.

I think his last statement about how he detests waste tells us that he's ultimately full of shit, given what we know about his character. I bet Gloria has got him nailed on something he can't wriggle out of.

Maybe that's another reason for his resentment of Jimmy. He knows he can't survive without him and his arrogance has turned that into pure, spiteful hatred. Both for himself and for Jimmy. My mother had some mental illness problems later in life and she would be so incredibly mean to the people that helped her out the

This is such a plausible ending for her character that it totally bums me out. Kim deserves so much better than to spiral into opioid addiction. But that would probably be the whole point.

Kim pretty much laid him out raw last season. But I don't think Chuck really heard it until it came from someone at his own level of power.

It was satisfying seeing him just destroy Chuck like that. Maybe even better than when Kim handed Chuck his ass last season. Still, it's hard to love on it too much knowing what happens at the end. But yeah, Howard is a not a bad person underneath his "arrogant rich guy" veneer.

Oh lord, I never even considered the possibility of Kim becoming an addict. That would be the darkest possible outcome for her character.

That was the thing that killed me. He hates Jimmy for a number of reasons but there is absolutely no way that he doesn't matter to him. That last scene between them was so heartbreaking.

Damnit Chuck, you acted like a total asshole but I took no joy in watching your complete mental breakdown. And damnit Jimmy, you seemed like such jerk last week but you fell on your sword and redeemed the situation. And damnit, this show is just so good I don't know how to feel.

My first job was at a Blockbuster. I still have the card I got when I got hired. And every time I clean out my wallet, I still decide to not throw it out. The branch I worked at obviously no longer exists and I no longer live at the address on the card. It's just a bit of personal nostalgia that I can;t let go of now,

They've always seemed like they really have a lot of fun playing music together. And they never really rounded the corner into the "hating everyone and everything and doing a bunch of drugs" area that a lot of big acts do.

That is probably my favorite scene in The Blues Brothers and their video sold me on the song. Though it's a pretty fun pop outing in it's own right. Maybe I should give them more of a shot.

Well the actress is 31. Hopefully that helps exonerate me of your charges.

"We've never lost an American to CMT and we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option!"