
@fallenturtle: Haha! How can I reply to that. Someone give this person a star!

@hntergren: Er... I might have done that too :D

I usually find that my massive dong puts the embarrassment back on the security staff.

Great tip, I'll have to try this. I always forget how great Goggles actually is, even if it's not something I use often.

@TheJaz: Topical, I like it.

Any chance you can share a bigger version of Sam's picture? Would look great as a wallpaper! Thanks :D

I might start writing little notes for games that I trade in... like massive spoilers, but that are totally fake :D

It's the poor cyclists I feel bad for!

There... fixed it for ya ;-)

They call me Killa Kela:

@mye1: That's exactly what I said as 1st comment on this article!

@aThingOrTwo: That may be the case but we all don't have to blindly follow. By that logic every mp3 player would be called an iPod.

Apps? We're still allowed to call them "programs" ;-)

Now playing

Looks cool! Kinda reminds me of Loaded and Re-Loaded on the PSOne.

After looking at the photo I really have the urge to play old school Sim City!

@Etarip: Thanks for the info, was wondering if Gol was a spelling mistake!

Haha, no Hipster Hats? For the 1st time ever I now actually a have a tiny bit of respect for him. Just a tiny bit though.