
@BlastThemFools: Haha, I should have maybe checked it was in English first :D

It's a shame for the guy but I can't help having a little chuckle.

@d_r_e: Add me to the list too. It's all about the single player for me.

This movie is the only one to date that has made me think about checking out the 3D version.

@JakeMG: Blah Blah Taxi: I know, but I was just thinking it was the standard now. Handy for people who are new to the app too.

Thanks, but I thought QR codes were a given for Android apps now?

Sounds like a Daily Mail article.

Weed tubs. Nuff said.

Don't think this would look to hot on my SX Trail :D

Walking Dead = Awesome! Can't wait for the next ep :D

Stuff like this just goes to show that Common Sense isn't that

@Jeremy Cook: I ended up buying the full version of Vignette last night, and found the t/s mode. So many options and settings, it's great! Definitely worth the money.

Love the photo used for the article... really nice colours, composition and DoF.

@MavrixWK: No probs, it's great fun!

Good to see FXCamera made the cut, such a great camera app!

@soldstatic: I must have missed that meme, sorry memo.

Wait a minute... no "In Soviet Russia" jokes yet?