
Hmm ... thanks for the reply. I will think about this.

So how is it any different from the “whitewashing” in Ghost in the Shell,  when the italian characters of Mario and Luigi are played by asians? Just wondering ...

Reading stuff like this makes me really sad.

You know. In Germany they have health care for everyone. Studying is also for free. And somehow despite these bad evil socialstic things happening, they somehow managed to have a healthy economy. Rich people do also exist there. If you tell someone from Europe that people could die somewhere in the world because they

What will be the name of this special organisation? Gestapo ???

Is it possible to use the Switch completely as a mobile device? I don’t own a TV and I’m not planning to buy one. 

I’m white. I have curly hair and I can tell you these developers seem to forget that too. Most Editors have only one curly hair option and it makes you look like a hobo. Which sucks. Many people just associate curly hair with being messy and unkempt. I know a lot of people (mostly girls) who straighten their hair

I’ll marry you. I think you’re cute. I also think you have a cool name. :-)