
Not just silt. Here in NJ, the water running in streams and rivers is brown due to all the tannins present from the Pine Barrens. This is due to nothing more than trees falling into the water and having those tannins leech out. You literally cannot see through 2 or 3 inches of water in a clear glass. I’m sure plenty

.... Because not serving alcohol the last month of the year is definitely going to teach those unruly drunks a thing or two! The airlines aren’t serious about addressing the issue at all. If they were, that ban on alcohol would go until 2023.

LOL. You need practice young padawan. You want to hear an unpopular take that will start fights in the aisles? “All pickups, SUVs and other larger vehicles should have them flipped to indicators over headlights, just to lower the damned headlights a few inches to reduce their ability to blind oncoming drivers of mere

All other issues aside, isn’t this also effectively one party changing the terms of a contract without the consent of both parties, making it a violation of federal law as well?

Oh, the error of your badging ways.... I know that the new hood badge is supposed to signify “Torchinsky’s Yugo”, but I suspect people are more likely to see it and think you have some rare, absurd special edition that celebrates the 1984 Winter Olympics that were held in Sarajevo...

Proof he’s nowhere near as smart as his cult claims he is. Cutting short a holiday weekend isn’t going to fix the problem. Cutting all the weekends for the rest of the year won’t fix the problem, either.

Marshal farm tractors in the UK also used a cartridge starter system.

 just want to know how much influence the Hoonholtz name had on the term “hooning”.

First, Massachusetts and Maine do not even share a border. Second, “rural” doesn’t really count in a tiny state like that in the same way it does somewhere like Iowa. Driving from Boston to Albany, NY can take barely over an hour. Third, that county isn’t exactly rural. It is home to one of the larger cities in the

Don’t lay the blame directly on the school districts. The problem is the greedy jerks that own all these subcontracting companies. In my area, the districts that own their own bus fleets haven’t suffered any significant problems. The subcontractors have been having a hell of a time with hiring drivers and mechanics.

Giant killer wasps spreading across and ocean immediately followed by carrion-eating bees that may or may not also enjoy living flesh.... And those followed those damned stink bugs that will essentially gas you out of your own home if you kill them indoors. Anyone know yet if this is a sign of the end times?

Only way I’d pay that much is if Rav4 Prime was its Autobot name and it actually transforms into a giant robot on demand.

All that effort to write this article, and you missed the fact they all have the same problem, and in some ways, that may be the biggest problem of all: They’re all owned by David Tracy. :D

Folks need to remember, this was written before driving was formalized. For example, the first year of publication was also the first year stop signs were erected in Detroit, MI and Blair, NE. The octagonal shape we know today wasn’t standardized until near the end of publication.

So..... From this headline and the single detail of this example being the 1986 model year, I’m guessing the average age of the readership is around 40.

back of the magazine conversion kit. My family had one in the mid-70's. That is... as long as that mustang in the photos never had a plywood floor pan or rear bench seat covered in that nasty green plastic “lawn carpeting”. If it has either, then it my very well be the same vehicle my family owned. LOL

Last year, I tried starting an argument with “Jason Torchinsky of Jalopnik likes to drive his personal Tesla around in the nude” but that ended with 3 people dead and 18 injured. Personally, I have been mostly wheelchair bound ever since and I think someone may have attempted to serve my missing calf as part of

Just so you know, an engine being selected for use in a WW2 era tank really doesn’t mean much. They all had horrible reputations for unreliability. American tank engines were only considered reliable because they were easy and quick to repair compared to tanks manufactured by the other major combatants.

Just promise to name it “The Groundbound Bebop”. I’m referring to the 1990's original anime, not the effed up live action Netflix remake.

America has become the land of the Little Hitlers, all pressing for some personal BS agenda to be turned into law. And the only thing any of it has to do with the public is giving these worms a reason to feel good about themselves thanks to thinking they’ve somehow managed to lord it over their fellow man and somehow,