
I see a failing here on the part of automakers. This thing could have been given a “follow the leader” mode, where all but one driver could be replaced. This would keep a human in the equation to unknowningly assist with the machine learning. And yeah, load and towing capacity pretty much sucks.

Once private industry gets its fangs into that infrastructure bill money, we’ll get like 3 major bridges replaced and 14 miles of highway repaved. It is a nice thought, but politicians are short-sighted morons that forget that much of the Federally funded infrastructure in this country was built at a time when the

At a weight of less than 9 tons and a traditional 6x4 configuration, you should be able to drive this wherever dump trucks can go anywhere in the US.

Important question... Were most of these vehicles obtained before or after you encountered David Tracy for the first time? We’re just trying to determine when you were infected with his particular strain of hoarding.

That’s nothing. For years, local used car dealers have been charging “destination fees” on vehicles in my area. Seriously, you want to charge a $695 destination charge for having the car trailered from an auction yard all of 40 miles away? Or worse, $695 for a vehicle that was driven to your own damned lot as a

A second Dale would have had to exist for it to make baby Dales with.

The proper statement would be “the rights of way are ancient”. Curves along the NE corridor are too sharp and there isn’t much that can be done to address that. Pretty much every solution involves eminent domain, which is a political hot potato thanks the the political dickery that occurred in New London, CT,

As some also deaf in one ear (my right), all I can say is... he’s using it as an excuse for careless driving. I can hear trains blaring their horns at a road crossing more than a mile away from my house. He heard that train horn and attempted to rush the train to keep on schedule to avid whatever punishment Amazon

First time I used mine, I got soggy skin because I had no clue what I was doing. The instruction are really that bad. I replaced it two years later after it got hosed by a power surge. The new one has vent holes in the lid and I haven’t seen a soggy skin since. Be aware they come in multiple sizes, so make sure you’re

Or learn how to cook your turkey. A lot of what we prepare is “throw it into a pan, throw it into the over, forget about it until the timer dings”. Turkey is not one of those things. The foil serves a purpose: trapping heat to shorten cooking time. It also helps the bird retain moisture. What you are supposed to do is

That dude flying in an old Cessna 172 is like Elon Musk using an 84 Ford Escort as his daily driver...

I look forward to seeing what the first youtube engine swap will be.

Frequently, but not always.

Interesting that it just happened to essentially barrel through the sky right over Huntsville, Alabama, home of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the US Space and Rocket Center, and the Redstone Arsenal.

That’s nice, but.... it isn’t the solution to the problem. Not until someone makes a car with wiring capable of handling that kind of amperage.

Though you really can’t tell, I am giving you a round of applause for this stellar and quite unexpected comedic performance.

Philly cops won’t pull you over for running a red light right in front of them. That means what they’ve done is ban “ticket quota filling” traffic stops.

Corporations don’t even need to pull that sleight of hand BS. My mother worked for Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia in its last decade of operation. The hospital changed hands two or three times before finally financially failing and closing down. One of the buyers was a Saudi citizen who promptly and outright STOLE

Well, lawyers literally are idiots in one way: their silly insistence that the public’s judgment needs to keep pace with court proceedings.

Nice headline. Now I want someone to hack a Rivian so every time it starts, it blares a certain track by the Divinyls out the speakers....