
Moral of the story.... Don’t treat that old Firebird like some sort of lost AMC AMX III prototype.

Never met an employer that didn’t try that stunt. In fact, I once flipped that on its head when an employer converted me from full time employee to outside contractor. My pay rate went from $10 to $18 per hour, since I was no longer getting any benefits and they said on the record that I would be paid the same. They

I love the fact that Youtube has a safety video “age restricted”.

Now take into consideration the fact this is the same management that thinks a farmer shouldn’t be allowed to change a flat tire on a John Deere tractor in the field. Heaven forbid a farmer know what he’s doing with property he owns, but they think untrained labor can just slap stuff together like nobody’s business?

I had to go back to the top of the page and check the date, just to make sure this wasn’t something from a decade ago, all thanks to you using that stale old meme. LOL

Poorly written paid advertisement for a professional detailing service. ;3

Alternatively, there are soldering stations that come with with a hot air pen - essentially a heat gun on a miniature scale. They aren’t playing it being a heat gun, either. I used to have one that could reach 700 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sorry, Torch, but you got it wrong in that paragraph. Well, not so much wrong as just seriously incomplete. What you should have said is Give EVERYTHING stopped on the side of the road space. Doesn’t matter if it is a broken down car, tractor trailer with the driver on mandatory down time, a construction crew,

Just be thankful you aren’t dealing with one of today’s bikes. I’ve pulled bikes out of boxes to find cracked frame welds on inspection. I’ve also dealt with bikes that didn’t pack with all (or ANY) fasteners. At least every other bike I’ve dealt with in the last 10 years has shown up with bent frames as well. And

See, this is a good reason to not waste money on Apple products that has been buried in the “right to repair” firestorm. You’ve got to worry about when your computer makes its last gasp, gives up the ghost and forces a replacement. I’m still using Office 98 and Adobe pre-Creative Suite editions of software in a

I’m guessing they missed the part where the Feds years ago told vehicle manufacturers they couldn’t hide diagnostic data and tools from the public...

I really, REALLY want to know how the trade-ins worked. How many brand new Kias did they have to give away to manage getting even one of those trade ins? Did the guy trading in the Aventador like walk in and say “I’ll trade my Lambo in for a full collection of Kias, one of every model”? :D

If luggage has the potential to end up in your lap or bopping you in the back if you stepped on the gas or brake pedals too hard, then it is not a trunk. That aside, this is a kei car, so they had to work within size constraints. eliminating separate, traditional cargo areas helped with that.

GM using the Colorado’s platform and mostly in-inventory components for their military contract for the Infantry Squad Vehicle gives them more offroad credibility today than a company that hasn’t produced any military vehicles in almost 50 years.

No wonder Intel has spent years behind the curve in the last decade or so. The company is run by an absolute moron. Electronics in cars or on such an old “standard” because they spent billions perfecting it before it even launched. If some chip in your computer goes bad while you’re using it, you have a dead computer.

Ahem. Former Jalopnik contributor Steve Lehto called and wants his drum back. :D

Thanks to the b33r bug, things have gotten so bad that RVs are shipping from the factories with essential equipment missing.... like fasteners. Some have shipped without plumbing... they’ve got like faucets and stuff, but the drains lead nowhere but the cabinet und3rneath, and they’re missing stuff like the storage

Adds more weight to Carlos Ghosn recent claims that Nissan’s best days are behind them.

Remember, when you find a bunch of them in your driveway, the government is spying on you! ;3

You say that like nobody ever mentioned to you that cars are supposed to be driven on roads...