
There is one of those intersections near my home. There is a relatively straight road in one town that comes to an end at the border of the town. In the next town, there was a straight road that dead-ended at railroad tracks, providing street access to a radio tower for that town (now used for a cellphone tower). They

I wonder how used prices would be if that idiotic “cash for clunkers” stunt hadn’t been pulled years ago.

Some sort of cover over the camera to black out the video portion would be suitable, in my opinion.

Makes perfect sense from a Human Resources perspective. He really can’t argue he was unjustly fired and sue for his job back. If he does try, then he better be able to turn over the video footage to prove the camera was running. Everyone who has read a story on the matter knows the guy was fired for killing the kid;

You left out “while the ultimate decisionmaker in the city, also known as a mayor, was Wilson Goode, a black man.” So if you want to make the ridiculous claim the MOVE bombing was caused by MOVE members being black, then I’ll have to make the equally absurd argument that the incident was actually black-on-black crime.

Unfortunate, that “anti-racist” course of action is itself inherently racist. It essentially proclaims the complaints of one race has priority over the complaints of everyone else.

These idiots from well out of town just got an in your face reason as to why Philly residents refer to Philly as “the city of brotherly love” while in the immediate suburbs, the locals refer to Philly as “the city of brotherly hate”. Philly has had more rioting since the turn of the millennium than any other city in

People need to remember that while flying got off to an early start, enclosed cockpits didn’t happen until about a decade later and pressurized aircraft hulls weren’t even a thing until well into WW2. So this really isn’t that big a deal.

A conspiracy theorist video that the dinosaurs were killed not by an asteroid, but instead it was the first mammals farting.

Had an uncle who camped in his Suburban back in the 80's. And before those slide out extensions on motor homes and trailers became a thing, he built one for his Suburban. It had a base of square stock aluminum tubing that had rails and folding legs that could pull out, then the extension slid out on top of that. And zi

This is in the running? Link us to your opined list of competitors, please! Some of us are bored and need the entertainment. :D

Strange, considering at least one new article was posted to the Deadspin site today. Are you sure it isn’t simply banned in your neighborhood?

That is a good question. Cruise control has been available in cars since the 1980's. Another question is “how will they adapt to the vastly different signs used in the US and the inevitable graffiti that ends up on many of them?”

On a side note, there is one important fact this story provides: the local FD has started actively training to deal with this type of vehicle fire.

Tell use this, wiseguy, if you know what he’s going to write, then why are you bothering to read it? I swear, it is like all you Tesla fundamentalists have some sort of brain damages that force you to follow a particular course of tirade.

My grandmother used to refer to acts of arson as “the building was struck by Jewish lightning”. Old people work hard to propagate their prejudices.

Teslas are full of explosive fuel as well. Those lithium cells tend to launch like bottle rockets or explode like miniature hand grenades when they catch fire.

And a new mystery angle is revealed for a Deadspin writer. Why is a sports lawyer in FLORIDA representing a car owner in the Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA suburbs on what will essentially be a warranty or lemon lawsuit?

Because the battery packs can rupture and the individual cells launch themselves once ignited, spreading fire everywhere they land. Where do you think the idea for SpaceX initially came from? Exploding lithium batteries in a Tesla.

Your last sentence explains the problem with the situation. This vehicle would only absorb all that explosive energy so many times before permanent damage cause by each detonation eventually caused it to fail.