
Tell use this, wiseguy, if you know what he’s going to write, then why are you bothering to read it? I swear, it is like all you Tesla fundamentalists have some sort of brain damages that force you to follow a particular course of tirade.

My grandmother used to refer to acts of arson as “the building was struck by Jewish lightning”. Old people work hard to propagate their prejudices.

Teslas are full of explosive fuel as well. Those lithium cells tend to launch like bottle rockets or explode like miniature hand grenades when they catch fire.

And a new mystery angle is revealed for a Deadspin writer. Why is a sports lawyer in FLORIDA representing a car owner in the Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA suburbs on what will essentially be a warranty or lemon lawsuit?

Because the battery packs can rupture and the individual cells launch themselves once ignited, spreading fire everywhere they land. Where do you think the idea for SpaceX initially came from? Exploding lithium batteries in a Tesla.

Your last sentence explains the problem with the situation. This vehicle would only absorb all that explosive energy so many times before permanent damage cause by each detonation eventually caused it to fail.

The problem here is the idiot who decided the truck was an appropriate place to detonate anything. They are transportation, meant to move the explosives to a far more appropriate location. And I expect this is NOT the first time explosives were detonated in that truck either. More proof of a high ranking idiot. Why?

Well, at least he’s not all like “She can ride my gearshift anytime, and I’m not talking about the one in my pants!”

Problem is, scientists are in their own special way idiots thanks to the way they insist on attempting to shoehorn things into a single category. Planets are a fine example of this because it is like they don’t even realize they already have multiple categories - inner/outer, terrestrial/gaseous, major/minor ( and

The issue with BBQ refuse is thin bones that have been cooked. They fracture more easily and very differently, resulting in far sharper shards than would result from a raw bone. About 25 years ago, I learned this lesson when one of our dogs cut his throat from the inside with a rib bone fragment. He survived (barely) a

What he’s worth and what he has are two very different things, and I’m not even talking about cold hard cash on hand. Consider this: How much of that $170 billion can he spend WITHOUT losing controlling ownership of his companies? I’m guessing that amount is less than the $20 billion he claims is the necessary

I think a better question would be “why are you incapable of getting anyone else to pay for your writing endeavors so crap like this ends up in a suitable place?”

Busybody reporters, worrying about how this guy decides to spend his post-tax earning, yet not a single look into why it is costing $100,000 PER MAN to send those Guardsmen to the border, when most of them at full time wouldn’t make $10,000 a year from the job.

Doesn’t seem all that different from a tractor trailer tire exploding on the highway.

To quote the deputy: “I’ve seen plenty of women with two jugs, but a guy with one jug just freaked me the hell out.”

If you’re going to make a Mite-based offroader that slot under the Eagle, then it should be named the AMC Eaglet.

Sometimes, I wish I could bottle and sell whatever the heck it is that makes me highly toxic to ticks. Every one of them that has bitten me has died within minutes. But it is a pain in the neck to pick dead ticks off me every time I go into the woods.

I suppose they’ll call this the... hmmm.... let’s see, we had the Smart FourTwo and the Smart ForFour, I guess with this being an SUV, they’ll call it the Smart Fordirt? ForTheWoods? ForOffRoad? No, no, not according to those drawings. This will be the Smart ForFakingIt.

Sketches look like a slightly lengthened Mini to me.

Actually, the dreamer is wrong. Even in the dictionary, this “alternate spelling” doesn’t exist as an option. I think he’s just confused with Thin Lizzy.