
That answer to the questions of “Why do you need $200 million and green screens to make that movie?” is “I can’t be bothered to even give the demo a whirl let alone anything like a full game, so I have no real clue what I’m working with.” Otherwise known as the eternal curse that infect every video game movie ever

Big problem with Edge is the butchering of the source material and the fact that a subset of genre fans found out about it and burned the lemming-- I mean, audience bridge before too many could cross it.

This leads me to a bizarre bit of curiosity.... how many accidents has Waymo suffer autonomously vs. human backup driver? I know there have been two highly publicized accidents in the past with one being fatal, but I don’t recall if they placed blame on the programming or the on board human driver.

Hidden moral of the story.... The writers get paid by the word. Their bosses (the editors) get paid by the word written by every writer under them. Thus explaining why David can only afford decades old rusted out Jeep hulks while his boss can afford a Lexus.

On a side note, the US has already suffered two major, deferred maintenance bridge collapses along interstates - the fairly recent collapse in Minneapolis AND the collapse of a bridge on I-95 in Connecticut back in the 1980's. A big, unrecognized part of the problem is insufficient qualified staffing to do the

What gets me is they haven’t once talked about trying to partially unload the ship. They’ve got those wide, flat expanses of beach — I mean, desert sand - that they can just stack the containers on, and just get another ship (empty)to load them on and get them to at least the end of the canal. Seriously, after all the

“Its white! Well, now there is a lot of black and orange, too. But I swear there isn’t a Philadelphia Flyers logo anywhere to be seen!”

They do this to everybody attempting to withdraw over the ATM limit without writing a check out to themselves.

The counterpoint to this is that often the comic book companies returned art to the artists after the issue was printed. The company had film negatives ready to go for reprint after that process was done. Artists could do what they wanted with the art after that. And they did. But this counterpoint will fall apart as

You overlook the fact that the number of cars being made has drastically shrunk the last few years, even though there are still consumers for them. That means a stagnant used supply in regular circulation, with fewer newer vehicles flowing into the cycle. So yeah, prices are going up, but it really doesn’t have much

Transmissions are still garbage though, as they’ve been the entire time Ford made the Taurus.

Just a side note.... The interior trim was identical in the 2007 model.... and available in the same interior color and exterior paint color.

This article omits much too much. When was the last time you heard of an on-land oil well exploding? They weren’t even bothered with during last three active periods of the 30 year riot cycle in Los Angeles. When was the last time one had a major spill outside a war zone? The only real problem this article exposes is

Well, I don’t see any reasons to switch. I see stuff you got paid to say, but no reasons to switch.

Yep. That was the Philadelphia area solution about 30 years ago. The Atco Speedway was willing to host weekly local race events, which continued until recently (the owners sold out to a real estate development company that was supposed to continue operating the strip, but shut it down for commercial redevelopment).

Driven across Nebraska? Nope. Driven across Iowa? Many times as a child, since half my family was from the northwest corner of the state and my immediate family lived in New England. Still there are worse things. Like driving through Indiana in an era where the state police insisted you pay traffic ticket fines before

I’m sure the battery upgrade Torch wants is those hot-swappable Gogoro batteries from Taiwan.

“Yes, but car may stop” really should be “Yes, but car WILL stop.” Imagine how much safer the roads would be if Tesla’s autopilot BS software, when it detected you were inattentive for any reason, pulled over to the side of the road and stopped until you realized you were inattentive, even if it was parked there for

I’m still trying to figure out why there is a link to this article from a Jalopnik Harley-Davidson article....

All I know is.... Keep your eye on a guy who thinks Nixon picked the best desk.