
Is this article from back before Florida Man became a thing? Because with the location the car was in at the time, it just begs for this article tp be entitled “That Time Florida Man Was So High, He Thought He Was a Superhero.”

This issue is nobody wants to get a new car and immediately drop another $3,000 or more on it getting a mediocre new paint job in the color they actually want.

What I want to know is.... Is there anyone out there ranting about how he needs these for his Changli? :D

Not really. Maximum power of an ICE can be changed by numerous components, including the fuel pump, fuel lines, rails and injectors. If you have a high flow, you have more power. Half those components are barely physically interact with the engine for the most part. So the batteries are still for the most part just

The battery is analogous to the fuel tank, not the Internal Combustion Engine. Electric motors are the analogy to ICEs.

Just so you know, it has nothing to do with BLM or your “66 events of hit and run”. It all dates back to the Mardi Gras riot of 2001 in Philadelphia, where rioters along South Street surrounded a vehicle and got run down as the driver obviously attempted to escape. There was some effort to avoid the rioters initially,

Given Duke’s investment in nuclear power (I’m looking at you, nuclear facility that was used to film The Abyss way back in the late 80's), I have little confidence this venture will be very successful, either.

What makes me sick is a trend in my local area... of lifted pickups like the one in the first photo.... with handicap tags. I’ve yet to see a single person riding in one or driving that exhibited any sign of a physical handicap, especially when climbing in and out of the damned things.

That transmission reputation somehow managed to slip through EVERY redesign the car had. The AXOD transaxles and their descendants were garbage.

Don’t you just love how they’re all willing to call you stupid for even suggesting such a thing, like they think all the criminals in the world are brighter than you (and them)?

Never thought I’d see the day where my brain superimposed “clown car” for most incidents of “Ford Expedition” in any article....

Given the horror stories I’ve heard, I’m still stuck on “wait, there are still people living in San Francisco?”

It was probably in the process of discovering its forever home wasn’t as forever as it thought.

He left off two important tips....

Moral of that movie... Homeless men stop growing at age 14. Because that’s roughly how old my friends and I were when shopping cart racing was a brief fad in our lives. Right down to the stupidity of “I don’t want to deal with it” with regards to what appears to be a compound fracture in the lower leg.

he only smart thing for Jeep to do is ditch the Native American legacy and fall back to its real legacy - WW2. That is, after all, where everything began. Start switching the vehicle names to names inspired by events (or heroes) of the war. Start by changing the name of the Jeep Cherokee to the Jeep Normandy.

Obviously, United Parcel Service hasn’t realized... when they go full electric, people will begin to refer to their trucks as uninterruptible power supplies. :D

Actually, here in the US there is a tourist trade for railbike riders. There are lots of retired lines in the American Southwest where you can hop on a railbike and take a ride. And apparently making your own railbikes and carts is a subcomponent of the hobby as well.

Officially, the bridge was rebuilt in 2013 to support rail traffic in both standard 1.435 meter gauge and Russian 1.542 meter broad gauge. Why on earth they decided they needed to lay four rails instead of three is beyond me, unless there is maybe some sort of difference in the rail’s riser as well.

That was weird. I just read an article about The Vision that didn’t involve whether or not the character has junk in his pants.