
How bad is radon contamination? Here in NJ (at least the rocky, northern part of the state) entire TOWNS were condemned due to radon contamination back in the mid-to-late 1980's. There are dozens of communities in the northernmost 6 or so counties that have at least communities and neighborhoods condemned or abandoned

Today I got my car back from the mechanic, after hitting a deer and stomping on the brakes so hard, I locked up anti-lock brakes. The first thing I had to do was drive across the street from the garage and hit up the new Dollar Tree for air fresheners, lots of air fresheners. The car smelled like the mechanic soiled

To give Kia proper credit, they are working with multiple self driving vehicle vendors because they realize there will not be a “one size fits all” vendor to rule them all, and by working with multiple vendors, they’ll be able to offer self-driving vehicle3s in a wider range of markets.

House never had cancer. Sometimes it is NOT better to know. Let me give you an example. Three of my grandparents and both my parents died of pancreatic cancer. Guess what I will die of somewhere between the ages of 65 and 80 if an accident of some sort doesn’t get me first? C’mon, go ahead and guess, the answer is so

What Elon Musk calls “Autopilot” really should just be called “Johnny Cab.”

Didn’t.... that hat also have a role in Breaking Bad?

Except bears. You really do not want to attempt to scare a bear out of a vehicle with the horn unless you have several game wardens standing by.

Dumb runs in the family. Last I heard, every Tesla still came with a horn you can honk before you put the vehicle in motion.

Was this article a teal deer (i.e. TL;DR)? Let me summarize: Dustin “Screech” Diamond, the Florida Man.

The answer is simple. “Millenial investors”. Just as they never learned how to turn off the car headlights “because they’ll just shut off on their own in due time”, they never learned to invest properly, either. Rather than actually researching a company, they all invest based on the concept of “get rich off

For the clickbait, duh.

LOL. My first thought was “Isn’t that a Delica?” Despite the Mitsubishi badging, a truly rare beast in the wild. I’ve seen exactly two in the wild. I have seen more Lambos, Ferraris, and Rolls Royces on the road than Delicas.

You mean something along the lines of my “if you apply force in the proper upwards slanted motion on the side of the vehicle, you can basically roll any 4 wheeled vehicle with inflated tires onto its roof” tale? (Which I have occasionally demonstrated for nonbelievers on junkers headed for the scrapyard. I’ve left two

LOL.... So, in vague theory, if you have a jet of hydrogen burning, you can somehow get jet fuel as a result of trying to extinguish it with a CO2 fire extinguisher? :D

BTW, do you really want to blame some graphic guy or web designer for this issue when photos like this exist by the metric truckload? And among those photos, you’ll find a fair number of photos for six speeds that basically match that infamous tattoo (some have “R” at the bottom instead of top, and one I saw had it on

LOL. Yep. You go to a tire place, get nothing but tires. Don’t even trust them to get a front end alignment right. Also don’t trust them to inflate the tires properly, either.

I am amused that by watching this viedo, you get the suggestion of “best drift action” for the next video to watch.

In your case, when in motion, that was the “hose down the windshield of the car behind you” icon.

I’m guessing what it really means is you’ve never driven a commercial vehicle with a manual transmission with at least 10 gears. A lot of them use that “two rows, three columns” pattern for between 10 and 16 gears.

o_O Now we have to figure out if “woking” is derived from “woke, “wok”, wookie” or “walk”....